[NMR900 blog] picoSpin Benchtop NMR Spectrometer - Demonstration
picoSpin Benchtop NMR Spectrometer - Demonstration
Cole-Parmer Canada will be hosting a live demonstration of the picoSpin, the world's first commercial miniature FT-NMR spectrometer. Two demonstrations are scheduled, one in Montreal on October 4th, 2011 and one in Toronto on October 5th. There is no cost to attend the event, and complimentary snacks and beverages will be served. Please contact Roberto Santana at 514-355-6100 ext. 250 or (rsantana "at" coleparmer.ca) for more information and to reserve your spot.
If there will be enough interest, an additional demonstration is possible...
Applications Scientist | Oxford Instruments
Applications Scientist | Oxford Instruments
US - MA - Concord, The ideal candidate will have an education background in chemistry, physics or other relevant scientific disciplines and previous experience in time domain NMR (NMR relaxometry) as well as time-domain
Job marketplace
12-04-2010 09:05 AM
[Stan NMR blog] Job opening at Oxford Instruments America
Job opening at Oxford Instruments America
Job opening announcement for a low-field NMR Application Scientist
Source: Stan blog library
News from NMR blogs
12-02-2010 08:41 AM
[NMRwiki tweet] nmrwiki: anyone knows how to switch frequencies on @bruker #nmr instruments? http://q
nmrwiki: anyone knows how to switch frequencies on @bruker #nmr instruments? http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question/159/
nmrwiki: anyone knows how to switch frequencies on @bruker #nmr instruments? http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question/159/
Source: NMRWiki tweets