02-22-2005, 04:22 AM
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- Advanced Materials Technologies Ltd,http://www.isotope-amt.com
AMT, supplies stable isotopes, deuterated solvents and high purity materials for medical and chemical research.
- Cambridge Isotope Laboratorieshttp://www.isotope.com/cil/index.html
(CIL) A producer of stable isotope labeled compounds and stable isotope separations.
- Center of Molecular Researchhttp://www.h2o18.com
Representative of a Russian producer of Oxygen-18 water situated in Saint Petersburg
- Chemgashttp://www.chemgas.com/
Chemgas supplies high purity rare gases and isotopically enriched gases.
- CNL Scientific Resources, Inc.http://www.cnlscientific.com/
A supplier of isotopes, metals, crystals and other engineered materials to manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and instruments.
- Gamma Radiation Sourceshttp://www.cnea.gov.ar/xxi/tecno/co60/co60.asp
CNEA (Argentina's nuclear energy agency) produces qualified cobalt-60 sources for irradiation plants and for medical use.
- Gas Oils JSChttp://www.c13.ru
Manufactures carbon 13 labeled carbon dioxide using lasers.
- Hyox18http://www.hyox18.com/
Isotope O18 enriched water used to produce fluoro-deoxyglucose for PET.
- iC&2M Group, LLChttp://www.ic2m.com/
Supplier of isotopic, metallic, chemical and optical materials.
- International Isotope Societyhttp://www.intl-isotope-soc.org/
The IIS provides a forum for all chemists involved in radiochemical synthesis and analysis to obtain and share information outside of their immediate area of employment and expertise.
- International Isotopes Clearing House, Inc.http://www.iichinc.com/
Catalog listing of radioisotopes, 14C- and 3H-labeled compounds for medical research, 33P- and 125I- available.
- Isoflexhttp://www.isoflex.com/
Stable isotopes for use in science, medicine and industry from Russian producers.
- IsoScienceshttp://www.isosciences.com/pages/1/index.htm
Custom stable isotope labeling and small scale organic synthesis including the preparation of metabolites and PET precursors and standards.
- Isotechttp://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Area_of_Interest/Chemistry/Stable_Isotopes__ISOTEC_.html
A member of the Sigma-Aldrich family, manufacturer of stable isotope labeled compounds.
- Martek Bioscienceshttp://www.martekbio.com/
can supply isotopically enriched biochemicals
- MDS Nordionhttp://www.mds.nordion.com/
Radioisotope technology used to prevent, diagnose and treat disease. Products and services include nuclear medicine, radiation therapy for cancer, irradiation sterilization and food irradiation.
- Moravek Radiochemicalshttp://www.moravek.com/
Manufacturer of tritium and carbon 14 labeled radiochemicals for AIDS and cancer research.
- Omicron Biochemicals Inc.http://www.omicronbio.com/
Supplier of single, multiple and uniform stable isotope labeled saccharides and nucleosides (13C, 2H, 15N, 18O).
- PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Scienceshttp://las.perkinelmer.com/catalog/Category.aspx?CategoryName=Radiochemicals
Radiochemicals including radiolabeled ligands, P32, amino acids, macromolecules, microspheres, precursors, and radionuclides
- PicoTracehttp://www.picotrace.de/
Equipment for trace element and isotope analysis.
- Proftechttp://copper.h12.ru
Supplier of pure Copper powder.
- Radioisotopes in Medicinehttp://www.uic.com.au:80/nip26.htm
Stable and unstable isotopes are covered.
- RITVERC GmbHhttp://www.ritverc.com/
A producer and worldwide supplier of radioisotope products for science, industry, and medicine. Product list includes radiation sources, labelled compounds, stable isotopes, and radiopreparations.
- Spectra Gaseshttp://www.spectra-gases.com/
Specialty gases for high technology markets. Our core business is pure gases and gas mixtures for excimer lasers and lamps. Isotopic en-richment of gases for research.
- Stable Isotope Suppliershttp://www.uvm.edu/~geology/geowww/suppliers.html
An extensive list compiled by The University of Vermont.
- STB Isotopeshttp://www.stb-isotope.com/
Stable isotopes for science, medicine and industry, a list of some rare and unusual stable isotopes.
- Techsnabexporthttp://www.tenex.ru/
Supplier of Russian-produced radioisotopes and labeled compounds.
- The National Stable Isotope Resource at Los Alamoshttp://sir.lanl.gov
The National Stable Isotope Resource (SIR) advances biomedical applications of compounds labeled with the stable isotopes 13C, 15N, 17, 18O, 33, 34S, and 77Se.
- U.S. DOE Isotope Production and Distributionhttp://www.ornl.gov/sci/isotopes/catalog.htm
U.S. Department of Energy isotopes catalog. Quite an extensive list.
- U.S. DOE Isotope Programshttp://nuclear.gov/isotopes/default-mine.asp
Information about U.S. Department of Energy production of isotopes programs.
- ViTrax Radiochemicalshttp://www.vitrax.com/
Manufactures Tritium, Carbon-14, and Sulfur-35 radiolabeled products and offers custom radiosynthesis under cGMP.
- Wellington Laboratorieshttp://www.well-labs.com/
Produces 12C and 13C halogenated reference standards of environmental concern, including chlorinated and brominated dioxins, furans, biphenyls and diphenyl ethers. Includes corporate and product details, online catalog and contacts.