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NMR wisdom:Protein NMR - A Practical Guide - Solid-state MAS NMR Spectra

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[B]Below is a Google-cached version of [/B][B][URL=""][I]Protein NMR[/I] - A Practical Guide - Solid-state MAS [I]NMR[/I] Spectra[/URL][/B]

[B]page from [URL=""][/URL]  crashed on 11/6/11. You may  want to check first if the site has been  restored since it would also display images or/and have a more updated  info. [/B]

Spectrum Descriptions
  This page contains a list of some solid-state magic-angle spinning  (MAS) NMR experiments which are useful for protein solid-state MAS NMR  assignment and structure calculations. For each experiment there is  short description and an illustration showing the [I]observed[/I] magnetisation transfers. The [I]exact[/I]  pathway is not described, as in many cases several pathways are  possible, or the exact mechanism of magentisation transfer may not be  known. In general, the atoms which are observed are shown in pink and those atoms through which magnetisation flows are shown in light blue  (though there may be more than just these involved!). Magnetisation  transfers which are usually only observed when longer mixing times are  used, are shown in grey. An example spectrum  or diagramatic spectrum shows what it should look like and particular  features and considerations are highlighted. The descriptions here are  very simplistic and for a full description, including pulse sequences,  the reader should consult the original articles.
  PDSD - Proton Driven Spin Diffusion (2D)
Spectrum Descriptions
  This page contains a list of some solid-state magic-angle spinning  (MAS) NMR experiments which are useful for protein solid-state MAS NMR  assignment and structure calculations. For each experiment there is  short description and an illustration showing the [I]observed[/I] magnetisation transfers. The [I]exact[/I]  pathway is not described, as in many cases several pathways are  possible, or the exact mechanism of magentisation transfer may not be  known. In general, the atoms which are observed are shown in pink and those atoms through which magnetisation flows are shown in light blue  (though there may be more than just these involved!). Magnetisation  transfers which are usually only observed when longer mixing times are  used, are shown in grey. An example spectrum  or diagramatic spectrum shows what it should look like and particular  features and considerations are highlighted. The descriptions here are  very simplistic and for a full description, including pulse sequences,  the reader should consult the original articles.
  PDSD - Proton Driven Spin Diffusion (2D)
N. Bloembergen (1949) [I]Physica[/I] [B]15[/B] 386-426. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
N. Bloembergen (1949) [I]Physica[/I] [B]15[/B] 386-426. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 13C
Magnetization is transferred from hydrogen to 13C nuclei. From here it is transferred to other 13C  nuclei which are close in space. As the name of the experiment  suggests, protons are involved in this transfer (though this is not  specifically indicated in the diagram).
This is the most standard experiment and could be considered the  solid-state euqivalent of the HSQC. It is probably the first experiment  you will record on a protein sample and should help you assess the  genereal quality of the spectra you can achieve with that sample.  Essentially all 13C atoms within a certain distance of one  another are correlated by cross peaks in the spectrum. In practice this  means that at short mixing times all carbon atoms within one spin-system  (residue) are coupled to one another (except perhaps for some  longer-range pairs of atoms such as Cα and Cε). At longer mixing times  correlations between residues will appear, too.
min. labelling: 13C
Magnetization is transferred from hydrogen to 13C nuclei. From here it is transferred to other 13C  nuclei which are close in space. As the name of the experiment  suggests, protons are involved in this transfer (though this is not  specifically indicated in the diagram).
This is the most standard experiment and could be considered the  solid-state euqivalent of the HSQC. It is probably the first experiment  you will record on a protein sample and should help you assess the  genereal quality of the spectra you can achieve with that sample.  Essentially all 13C atoms within a certain distance of one  another are correlated by cross peaks in the spectrum. In practice this  means that at short mixing times all carbon atoms within one spin-system  (residue) are coupled to one another (except perhaps for some  longer-range pairs of atoms such as Cα and Cε). At longer mixing times  correlations between residues will appear, too.
    DARR - Dipolar Assisted Rotational Resonance (2D)
    DARR - Dipolar Assisted Rotational Resonance (2D)
K. Takegoshi, S. Nakamura and T. Terao (2001) [I]Chem. Phys. Lett.[/I] [B]344[/B] 631-637. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
K. Takegoshi, S. Nakamura and T. Terao (2003) [I]J. Chem. Phys.[/I] [B]118[/B] 2325-2341. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
K. Takegoshi, S. Nakamura and T. Terao (2001) [I]Chem. Phys. Lett.[/I] [B]344[/B] 631-637. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
K. Takegoshi, S. Nakamura and T. Terao (2003) [I]J. Chem. Phys.[/I] [B]118[/B] 2325-2341. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 13C
Magnetization is transferred from hydrogen to 13C nuclei. From here it is transferred to other 13C nuclei which are close in space.
This experiment is similar to the PDSD, but at long mixing times the  transfer of magnetisation is more efficient and so you can expect to see  more cross peaks.This experiment is useful in order to obtain  inter-residue contacts for assignment and structure calculations.
min. labelling: 13C
Magnetization is transferred from hydrogen to 13C nuclei. From here it is transferred to other 13C nuclei which are close in space.
This experiment is similar to the PDSD, but at long mixing times the  transfer of magnetisation is more efficient and so you can expect to see  more cross peaks.This experiment is useful in order to obtain  inter-residue contacts for assignment and structure calculations.
    NCA (2D)
    NCA (2D)
M. Baldus, A.T. Petkova, J. Herzfeld and R.G. Griffin (1998) [I]Mol. Phys.[/I] [B]95[/B] 1197-1207. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
M. Baldus, A.T. Petkova, J. Herzfeld and R.G. Griffin (1998) [I]Mol. Phys.[/I] [B]95[/B] 1197-1207. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13Cα using specific cross polarisation. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N nuclei and detected on the 13C nuclei.
This experiment can be used in the early stages of a project to  assess the nitrogen line widths. It may also provide a means for  assigning the nitrogen chemical shifts.
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13Cα using specific cross polarisation. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N nuclei and detected on the 13C nuclei.
This experiment can be used in the early stages of a project to  assess the nitrogen line widths. It may also provide a means for  assigning the nitrogen chemical shifts.
    NCO (2D)
    NCO (2D)
M. Baldus, A.T. Petkova, J. Herzfeld and R.G. Griffin (1998) [I]Mol. Phys.[/I] [B]95[/B] 1197-1207. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
M. Baldus, A.T. Petkova, J. Herzfeld and R.G. Griffin (1998) [I]Mol. Phys.[/I] [B]95[/B] 1197-1207. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13CO using specific cross polarisation. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N nuclei and detected on the 13C nuclei.
This experiment can be used to obtain sequential links from Ni to COi-1 but for larger proteins, this is liable to be rather crowded and the 3D NCOCX experiment will probably be more useful.
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13CO using specific cross polarisation. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N nuclei and detected on the 13C nuclei.
This experiment can be used to obtain sequential links from Ni to COi-1 but for larger proteins, this is liable to be rather crowded and the 3D NCOCX experiment will probably be more useful.
    NCACX (2D or 3D)
    NCACX (2D or 3D)
J. Pauli, M. Baldus, B.-J. van Rossum, H. de Groot and H. Oschkinat (2001) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]2[/B] 272-281. ([URL=";2-2"]Link to Article[/URL])
J. Pauli, M. Baldus, B.-J. van Rossum, H. de Groot and H. Oschkinat (2001) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]2[/B] 272-281. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13Cα using specific cross polarisation. A [URL=""]PDSD[/URL] or [URL=""]DARR[/URL] step is then used to transfer magnetisation to any other 13C nuclei nearby. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N and 13Cα nuclei and then detected on 13C, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version in which the 13Cα evolution time is left out is also possible.
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13Cα using specific cross polarisation. A [URL=""]PDSD[/URL] or [URL=""]DARR[/URL] step is then used to transfer magnetisation to any other 13C nuclei nearby. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N and 13Cα nuclei and then detected on 13C, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version in which the 13Cα evolution time is left out is also possible.
When recorded with short mixing times for the CX step (10-50ms) this  experiment is very useful for the identification of spin systems, i.e.  all 13C and 15N resonances belonging to a single  residue. When using longer mixing times (200-500ms) it is possible to  see links to other carbon atoms nearby and restraints for structure  calculations can be obtained, or links to neighbouring amino acids can  help with assignment.
When recorded with short mixing times for the CX step (10-50ms) this  experiment is very useful for the identification of spin systems, i.e.  all 13C and 15N resonances belonging to a single  residue. When using longer mixing times (200-500ms) it is possible to  see links to other carbon atoms nearby and restraints for structure  calculations can be obtained, or links to neighbouring amino acids can  help with assignment.
    NCOCX (2D or 3D)
    NCOCX (2D or 3D)
J. Pauli, M. Baldus, B.-J. van Rossum, H. de Groot and H. Oschkinat (2001) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]2[/B] 272-281. ([URL=";2-2"]Link to Article[/URL])
J. Pauli, M. Baldus, B.-J. van Rossum, H. de Groot and H. Oschkinat (2001) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]2[/B] 272-281. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13CO using specific cross polarisation. A [URL=""]PDSD[/URL] or [URL=""]DARR[/URL] step is then used to transfer magnetisation to any other 13C nuclei nearby. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N and 13CO nuclei and then detected on 13C, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version in which the 13CO evolution time is left out is also possible.
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13CO using specific cross polarisation. A [URL=""]PDSD[/URL] or [URL=""]DARR[/URL] step is then used to transfer magnetisation to any other 13C nuclei nearby. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N and 13CO nuclei and then detected on 13C, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version in which the 13CO evolution time is left out is also possible.
This spectrum is very useful during assignment. At short mixing times for the CX step (10-50ms) it links Ni to COi-1  and other carbon atoms from residue i. This provides unambiguously  sequential links between residues. When using longer mixing times  (200-500ms) it is possible to see links to other carbon atoms nearby and  restraints for structure calculations can be obtained.
This spectrum is very useful during assignment. At short mixing times for the CX step (10-50ms) it links Ni to COi-1  and other carbon atoms from residue i. This provides unambiguously  sequential links between residues. When using longer mixing times  (200-500ms) it is possible to see links to other carbon atoms nearby and  restraints for structure calculations can be obtained.
    NCACB (2D or 3D)
    NCACB (2D or 3D)
J. Pauli, M. Baldus, B.-J. van Rossum, H. de Groot and H. Oschkinat (2001) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]2[/B] 272-281. ([URL=";2-2"]Link to Article[/URL])
J. Pauli, M. Baldus, B.-J. van Rossum, H. de Groot and H. Oschkinat (2001) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]2[/B] 272-281. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13Cα using specific cross polarisation. A [URL=""]DREAM[/URL] step is then used to transfer magnetisation to 13Cβ nuclei further along the amino acid side chain. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N and 13Cα nuclei and then detected on 13C, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version in which the 13Cα evolution time is left out is also possible.
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 13Cα using specific cross polarisation. A [URL=""]DREAM[/URL] step is then used to transfer magnetisation to 13Cβ nuclei further along the amino acid side chain. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N and 13Cα nuclei and then detected on 13C, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version in which the 13Cα evolution time is left out is also possible.
This spectrum is very useful for identifying amino acid spin systems  and to some extent 'decrowding' the NCACX spectrum. The DREAM transfer  is optimised for transfer from Cα to Cβ, but some Cγ will also become  excited and be visible in the spectrum, because their chemical shifts  are similar to some Cβ chemical shifts. Because the DREAM transfer is a  double quantum step, the Cβ peaks will be negative and the Cγ peaks will  be positive. 
This spectrum is very useful for identifying amino acid spin systems  and to some extent 'decrowding' the NCACX spectrum. The DREAM transfer  is optimised for transfer from Cα to Cβ, but some Cγ will also become  excited and be visible in the spectrum, because their chemical shifts  are similar to some Cβ chemical shifts. Because the DREAM transfer is a  double quantum step, the Cβ peaks will be negative and the Cγ peaks will  be positive. 
    CANCO (2D or 3D)
    CANCO (2D or 3D)
Y. Li, D.A. Berthold, H.L. Frericks, R.B. Gennis, C.M. Rienstra (2007) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]8[/B] 434-442. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
Y. Li, D.A. Berthold, H.L. Frericks, R.B. Gennis, C.M. Rienstra (2007) [I]Chem. Biochem.[/I] [B]8[/B] 434-442. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 13Cα via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 15N using specific cross polarisation. A further specific cross polarisation step is used to transfer the magnetisation onto 13CO nuclei.The chemical shift is evolved on the 13Cα nuclei and 15N nuclei and then detected on the 13CO nuclei, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version of this experiment is also possible, in which the 15N evolution time is omitted.
This experiment is a useful addition to the NCACX and NCOCX during  assignment, providing useful quasi-through-bond links between two  sequential residues (i.e. Cαi-Ni-COi-1).  The main problem with this experiment is its low signal-to-noise. The  three CP transfers tend to have fairly low transfer efficiency. On a  sample which suffers from low signal-to-noise anyway, there may not be  enough signal left to detect at the end of this experiment.
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 13Cα via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 15N using specific cross polarisation. A further specific cross polarisation step is used to transfer the magnetisation onto 13CO nuclei.The chemical shift is evolved on the 13Cα nuclei and 15N nuclei and then detected on the 13CO nuclei, resulting in a 3D spectrum. A 2D version of this experiment is also possible, in which the 15N evolution time is omitted.
This experiment is a useful addition to the NCACX and NCOCX during  assignment, providing useful quasi-through-bond links between two  sequential residues (i.e. Cαi-Ni-COi-1).  The main problem with this experiment is its low signal-to-noise. The  three CP transfers tend to have fairly low transfer efficiency. On a  sample which suffers from low signal-to-noise anyway, there may not be  enough signal left to detect at the end of this experiment.
    CANCOCX (4D)
    CANCOCX (4D)
W.T. Franks, K.D. Kloepper, B.J. Wylie and C.M. Rienstra (2007) [I]J. Biomol. NMR[/I] [B]39[/B] 107-131. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
W.T. Franks, K.D. Kloepper, B.J. Wylie and C.M. Rienstra (2007) [I]J. Biomol. NMR[/I] [B]39[/B] 107-131. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 13Cα via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 15N using specific cross polarisation. A further specific cross polarisation step is used to transfer the magnetisation onto 13CO nuclei. Finally a PDSD step is used to transfer the magnetisation to any other 13C nuclei nearby. The chemical shift is evolved on the 13Cα, 15N and 13CO nuclei and then detected on 13C. Lower dimensionalities are also possible by eliminating one or both of the 15N and 13CO evolution periods. min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 13Cα via cross polarisation and then selectively to the 15N using specific cross polarisation. A further specific cross polarisation step is used to transfer the magnetisation onto 13CO nuclei. Finally a PDSD step is used to transfer the magnetisation to any other 13C nuclei nearby. The chemical shift is evolved on the 13Cα, 15N and 13CO nuclei and then detected on 13C. Lower dimensionalities are also possible by eliminating one or both of the 15N and 13CO evolution periods. min. labelling: 15N, 13C
This experiment is extremely useful for assignment, providing useful  quasi-through-bond links between two sequential residues with a further,  e.g. Cαi-Ni-COi-1-Cαi-1 and  decreasing overlap problems on account of its being a 4D experiment. As  with the CANCO, the main problem with this experiment is its low  signal-to-noise. The three CP transfers tend to have fairly low transfer  efficiency. On a sample which suffers from low signal-to-noise anyway,  there may not be enough signal left to detect anything at the end of  this experiment. However, if you do get this to work, then a small  protein can be assigned very easily using this experiment (see [URL=""]Franks et al. 2007[/URL]).
This experiment is extremely useful for assignment, providing useful  quasi-through-bond links between two sequential residues with a further,  e.g. Cαi-Ni-COi-1-Cαi-1 and  decreasing overlap problems on account of its being a 4D experiment. As  with the CANCO, the main problem with this experiment is its low  signal-to-noise. The three CP transfers tend to have fairly low transfer  efficiency. On a sample which suffers from low signal-to-noise anyway,  there may not be enough signal left to detect anything at the end of  this experiment. However, if you do get this to work, then a small  protein can be assigned very easily using this experiment (see [URL=""]Franks et al. 2007[/URL]).
    CHHC (2D)
    CHHC (2D)
A. Lange, S. Luca and M. Baldus (2002) [I]J. Am. Chem. Soc.[/I] [B]124[/B] 9704-9705. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
A. Lange, S. Luca and M. Baldus (2002) [I]J. Am. Chem. Soc.[/I] [B]124[/B] 9704-9705. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 13C via cross polarisation. In three successive steps it is first transferred back to 1H, then to other 1H nuclei nearby, and finally back to 13C for detection. The chemical shift is evolved on the 13C nuclei following the initial cross polarisation and detected on the 13C  nuclei at the end, resulting in a 2D carbon-carbon spectrum, but which  encodes information about proton-proton distances of the protons  attached to the carbon atoms.
This experiment is particularly useful for obtaining proton-proton  structural restraints which can be used in protein structure  calculations.
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 13C via cross polarisation. In three successive steps it is first transferred back to 1H, then to other 1H nuclei nearby, and finally back to 13C for detection. The chemical shift is evolved on the 13C nuclei following the initial cross polarisation and detected on the 13C  nuclei at the end, resulting in a 2D carbon-carbon spectrum, but which  encodes information about proton-proton distances of the protons  attached to the carbon atoms.
This experiment is particularly useful for obtaining proton-proton  structural restraints which can be used in protein structure  calculations.
    NHHC (2D)
    NHHC (2D)
A. Lange, S. Luca and M. Baldus (2002) [I]J. Am. Chem. Soc.[/I] [B]124[/B] 9704-9705. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
A. Lange, S. Luca and M. Baldus (2002) [I]J. Am. Chem. Soc.[/I] [B]124[/B] 9704-9705. ([URL=""]Link to Article[/URL])
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation. In three sucessive steps it is first transferred back to 1H, then to other 1H nuclei nearby, and finally onto 13C for detection. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N nuclei following the initial cross polarisation and detected on the 13C  nuclei at the end, resulting in a 2D carbon-nitorgen spectrum, but  which encodes information about proton-proton distances of the protons  attached to the carbon and nitrogen atoms.
This experiment is particularly useful for obtaining proton-proton  structural restraints which can be used in protein structure  calculations.
min. labelling: 15N, 13C
Magnetisation is transferred from 1H to 15N via cross polarisation. In three sucessive steps it is first transferred back to 1H, then to other 1H nuclei nearby, and finally onto 13C for detection. The chemical shift is evolved on the 15N nuclei following the initial cross polarisation and detected on the 13C  nuclei at the end, resulting in a 2D carbon-nitorgen spectrum, but  which encodes information about proton-proton distances of the protons  attached to the carbon and nitrogen atoms.
This experiment is particularly useful for obtaining proton-proton  structural restraints which can be used in protein structure  calculations.

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