Under the M: Forensic Science expert to deliver keynote lecture at Medicolegal Death Conference - The Missoulian More...
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[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Why NMR can deliver angstrom reolution structures.
Why NMR can deliver angstrom reolution structures.
How can NMR operating at radiofrequency wavelengths deliver angstrom resolution? For example X-ray crystallography operates at sub-angstrom wavelengths to receive sub angstrom resolution.
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Journal Highlight: 1H NMR metabolite fingerprinting as a new tool for body fluid identification in forensic science
Journal Highlight: 1H NMR metabolite fingerprinting as a new tool for body fluid identification in forensic science
http://www.spectroscopynow.com/common/images/thumbnails/140de1a0264.jpg1H NMR spectroscopy coupled with mathematical strategies has been proposed for the first time as a fast and non-destructive tool for body fluid trace identification in forensic science.
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09-02-2013 10:45 PM
24th Canadian Materials Science Conference – call for abstracts
24th Canadian Materials Science Conference – call for abstracts
We invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the 24th CMSC, Materials: Atoms to Applications, which will be held at The University of Western Ontario, June 5-8, 2012. We are accepting abstracts for both oral and poster presentations; priority will be given to submissions by students.
The Conference has been expanded from its roots in metallurgy to include presentations related to many materials including bio- and nano-materials and composites; a somewhat more detailed list is shown on the attached flyer which we...
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University of Montana receives $9.9 million grant for health research - The Missoulian
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University of Montana receives $9.9 million grant for health research
The Missoulian
Klara Briknarova shows how protein samples are inserted into a 600 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer in the basement of the Chemistry Building on the University of Montana campus. Briknarova, who will share a $9.9 million grant from the ...
University of Montana receives $9.9 million grant for health research - The Missoulian