Under the electron microscope - a 3D image of an individual protein - Nanowerk LLC
Nanowerk LLC Under the electron microscope - a 3D image of an individual protein Nanowerk LLC
C) Analysis shows how the particle structure is formed by three ApoA-1 proteins (red, green, blue noodle-like models) Scientists routinely create models of proteins using X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and conventional cryo-electron ...
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Under the electron microscope -- A 3-D image of an individual protein - PhysOrg.com
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Under the electron microscope -- A 3-D image of an individual protein
Scientists routinely create models of proteins using X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and conventional cryo-electron microscope (cryoEM) imaging. But these models require computer â??averagingâ?? of data from analysis of thousands, ...
Under the electron microscope - a 3D image of an individual proteinNanowerk LLC
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