U of A Takes First, Second in Student Poster Competition - University of Arkansas Newswire
University of Arkansas Newswire U of A Takes First, Second in Student Poster Competition University of Arkansas Newswire
I used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study our peptides in their model membrane environment and gain insight into their function. This research allows for insight into membrane protein function in a changing membrane environment and may ...
U of A Takes First, Second in Student Poster Competition - University of Arkansas Newswire More...
New findings help explain how molecules are speedily transported into and out ... - The Rockefeller University Newswire
The Rockefeller University Newswire
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New findings help explain how molecules are speedily transported into and out ...
The Rockefeller University Newswire
Using a technique known as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the researchers collected atomic-scale information about the behavior of the FG Nups, focusing on Nsp1, the most studied representative of the FG Nups. Normally, proteins fold into ...
New findings...
Online News
09-18-2015 08:49 AM
[NMR900 blog] Graduate student position, the University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
Graduate student position, the University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
We are seeking highly motivated PhD students to work in the protein NMR group at the University of Guelph. Our group is broadly interested in membrane protein structure. Our main research tool is magic angle spinning solid state NMR, but we also used other complementary biochemical, biophysical and computational methods. The research will be conducted at the University of Guelph NMR Centre, which is equipped with an array of solid-state NMR spectrometers at field strengths from 500 MHz to 800 MHz, and with a recently...
News from NMR blogs
05-23-2014 03:21 PM
Targeting PP1: NMR takes aim
Targeting PP1: NMR takes aim
http://www.spectroscopynow.com/common/images/thumbnails/144b6c52713.jpgThe enzyme PP1 plays a vital role in countless biochemical processes in the body and is the pivot around which many diseases turn. It is so ubiquitous that until now drug development has tended to avoid it because the side effects and complications that arise when it is targeted are too risky. Now, researchers at Brown University, have used NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography to help them focus on how PP1 interacts with other proteins to understand specific behaviour that might...
[NMR900 blog] Pacifichem 2010 Student Poster Competition Awards
Pacifichem 2010 Student Poster Competition Awards
Jérémie Leclerc, a Ph.D. student in the Michèle Auger's research group (Laval), has won one of the coveted student poster competition awards at Pacifichem 2010. His poster "Solid-state NMR spectroscopy reveals distinctive protein dynamics in closely related spider silks" was among of only 43 winners selected from more than 2000 student posters entered the competition, and the only poster from Canada to win. Congratulations, Jérémie!
Read the news story at C&EN...
News from NMR blogs
12-31-2010 08:38 PM
U of Arkansas protein center nets $5.4 M in NIH grants - Cardiovascular Business
U of Arkansas protein center nets $5.4 M in NIH grants - Cardiovascular Business
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U of Arkansas protein center nets $5.4 M in NIH grants
Cardiovascular Business
These include the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy facility directed by James F. Hinton, PhD; the x-ray crystallography facility headed by Joshua ...
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