Study of PEGylated model protein reveals porous structure based on PEG size - Phys.Org
Study of PEGylated model protein reveals porous structure based on PEG size - Phys.Org
Phys.Org Study of PEGylated model protein reveals porous structure based on PEG size Phys.Org NMR studies using 1H-15N heteronuclear single-quantum correlation spectroscopy showed that the PEG-Pc had well-dispersed resonances that indicated the protein remained folded in a stable conformation. Chemical shift perturbations were only observed ...
'Invisible' protein structure explains the power of enzymes - Phys.Org
'Invisible' protein structure explains the power of enzymes - Phys.Org
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'Invisible' protein structure explains the power of enzymes
The discovery has been made possible thanks to a broad scientific approach where numerous advanced biophysical techniques have been used; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and x-ray crystallography being the main techniques. "One of the ...
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Online News
07-03-2015 07:40 PM
[NMR paper] The NMR-Rosetta capsid model of M13 bacteriophage reveals a quadrupled hydrophobic packing epitope.
The NMR-Rosetta capsid model of M13 bacteriophage reveals a quadrupled hydrophobic packing epitope. Related Articles The NMR-Rosetta capsid model of M13 bacteriophage reveals a quadrupled hydrophobic packing epitope.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jan 27;112(4):971-6
Authors: Morag O, Sgourakis NG, Baker D, Goldbourt A
Filamentous phage are elongated semiflexible ssDNA viruses...
Journal club
04-24-2015 08:51 PM
PFG-NMR self-diffusion in casein dispersions: Effects of probe size and protein aggregate size
PFG-NMR self-diffusion in casein dispersions: Effects of probe size and protein aggregate size
June 2013
Publication year: 2013
Source:Food Hydrocolloids, Volume 31, Issue 2</br>
The self-diffusion coefficients of different molecular weight PEGs (Polyethylene glycol) and casein particles were measured, using a pulsed-gradient nuclear magnetic resonance technique (PFG-NMR), in native phosphocaseinate (NPC) and sodium caseinate (SC) dispersions where caseins are not structured into micelles. The dependence of the PEG self-diffusion coefficient on the PEG size, casein...
Journal club
02-03-2013 10:05 AM
3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org
3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org
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3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat
Using NMR spectroscopy, the team mapped the arrangement of atoms in a protein called CXCR1, which detects the inflammatory signal interleukin 8 and, through a G protein located inside the cell, triggers a cascade of events that can mobilize immune ...
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Online News
11-04-2012 05:53 AM
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation - Phys.Org
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation - Phys.Org
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Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation
NMR and other biophysical data collected at EMSL confirmed that the biological unit of DUF269 in solution was the same as observed in the asymmetric unit of the crystal, a dimer. Further biochemical experiments are in progress to determine the ...
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Rapid identification of protein-protein interfaces for the construction of a complex model based on multiple unassigned signals by using time-sharing NMR measurements.
Rapid identification of protein-protein interfaces for the construction of a complex model based on multiple unassigned signals by using time-sharing NMR measurements.
Rapid identification of protein-protein interfaces for the construction of a complex model based on multiple unassigned signals by using time-sharing NMR measurements.
J Struct Biol. 2011 Apr 9;
Authors: Kodama Y, Reese ML, Shimba N, Ono K, Kanamori E, Dötsch V, Noguchi S, Fukunishi Y, Suzuki EI, Shimada I, Takahashi H
Protein-protein interactions are necessary for various cellular...
Journal club
04-20-2011 07:15 PM
1H NMR-based metabolic profiling reveals inherent biological variation in yeast and nematode model systems
1H NMR-based metabolic profiling reveals inherent biological variation in yeast and nematode model systems
Abstract The application of metabolomics to human and animal model systems is poised to provide great insight into our understanding of disease etiology and the metabolic changes that are associated with these conditions. However, metabolomic studies have also revealed that there is significant, inherent biological variation in human samples and even in samples from animal model systems where the animals are housed under carefully controlled conditions. This inherent biological...