Chemistry World Studies probe key flu protein Chemistry World
Both studies, published back-to-back in Science, use solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance to probe the fine structure of the M2 channel protein and ...
Recent Developments in (15)N NMR Relaxation Studies that Probe Protein Backbone Dynamics.
Recent Developments in (15)N NMR Relaxation Studies that Probe Protein Backbone Dynamics.
Recent Developments in (15)N NMR Relaxation Studies that Probe Protein Backbone Dynamics.
Top Curr Chem. 2011 Sep 7;
Authors: Ishima R
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxation is a powerful technique that provides information about internal dynamics associated with configurational energetics in proteins, as well as site-specific information involved in conformational equilibria. In particular, (15)N relaxation is a useful probe to...
Journal club
09-08-2011 06:50 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Tuning probe failed after a dual probe was replaced with a BBI probe
Tuning probe failed after a dual probe was replaced with a BBI probe
We generally use Dual to run 13C and BBI to run 2D. After changed the probe, the command "edhead" was used to set the probe. Put the sample tube, lock the solvent, and then type "atma" to tune the probe. We always do it like this, but now we can not tune the proton after installed the BBI probe (13C is OK). The dip can not be found by "atma", and "atmm" was also not work on forming a dip. What is the most possible reason for this error? How to solve it and avoid it in the future ? Thanks. (Instrument: Bruker 400 MHz,...
News from other NMR forums
08-23-2011 05:31 PM
A new spin on protein NMR - Chemistry World
A new spin on protein NMR - Chemistry World
Chemistry World
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A new spin on protein NMR
Chemistry World
The researchers have described a new technique for rapidly obtaining solid samples of protein for nuclear magnetic resonance interrogation without needing to crystallise the protein. The method, which combines solid-state NMR with ultracentrifugation, ...
[NMR paper] Solid-state 17O NMR as a probe for structural studies of proteins in biomembranes.
Solid-state 17O NMR as a probe for structural studies of proteins in biomembranes.
Related Articles Solid-state 17O NMR as a probe for structural studies of proteins in biomembranes.
J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Dec 1;126(47):15320-1
Authors: Lemaître V, de Planque MR, Howes AP, Smith ME, Dupree R, Watts A
We report the first example of 17O NMR spectra from a selectively labeled transmembrane peptide, 17O--WALP23, as a lyophilized powder and incorporated in hydrated phospholipid vesicles. It is shown that at high magnetic field it is feasible to apply...
Journal club
11-24-2010 10:03 PM
[NMR paper] Chemical shift as a probe of molecular interfaces: NMR studies of DNA binding by the
Chemical shift as a probe of molecular interfaces: NMR studies of DNA binding by the three amino-terminal zinc finger domains from transcription factor IIIA.
Related Articles Chemical shift as a probe of molecular interfaces: NMR studies of DNA binding by the three amino-terminal zinc finger domains from transcription factor IIIA.
J Biomol NMR. 1998 Jul;12(1):51-71
Authors: Foster MP, Wuttke DS, Clemens KR, Jahnke W, Radhakrishnan I, Tennant L, Reymond M, Chung J, Wright PE
We report the NMR resonance assignments for a macromolecular...