Structure of Alzheimer's protein could explain why it's toxic - RedOrbit
Structure of Alzheimer's protein could explain why it's toxic - RedOrbit
RedOrbit Structure of Alzheimer's protein could explain why it's toxic RedOrbit
Furthermore, as they report in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, there is an amino acid on the protein that forms a bond between positive and negative-charged parts of a molecule known as a salt bridge. This structure is ...
Diamonds defects reveal complex protein structures - RedOrbit
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Diamonds defects reveal complex protein structures
Efforts to decode the molecular structure of proteins have mostly used X-ray crystallography, transmission electron microscopy, or nuclear magnetic resonance. But all of these methods require large sample volumes â?? for example, X-ray diffraction ...
Diamonds defects reveal complex protein structures - RedOrbit
Online News
02-08-2015 01:21 AM
Researchers Identify New Protein Markers That May Improve Understanding Of ... - RedOrbit
Researchers Identify New Protein Markers That May Improve Understanding Of ... - RedOrbit
Irish Examiner
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Researchers Identify New Protein Markers That May Improve Understanding Of ...
Testing for GlycA and GlycB by NMR spectroscopy uses signals that arise from the binding of glucose molecules to a variety of circulating inflammatory proteins, especially fibrinogen, α1-antichymotrypsin, haptoglobin-1,...
UCSB Research Group Develops A New Tool For Studying Membrane Protein ... - RedOrbit
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UCSB Research Group Develops A New Tool For Studying Membrane Protein ...
The team used Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a technique they developed over the last few years. Using a small and stable radical with an even higher magnetic property than the hydrogen atom of ...
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UCSB Research Group Develops A New Tool For Studying Membrane Protein ... - RedOrbit
Online News
10-03-2013 02:41 AM
Scripps Research Institute Study Finds New Moves In Protein's Evolution - RedOrbit
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Scripps Research Institute Study Finds New Moves In Protein's Evolution
The team used a variety of techniques to characterize the two versions of the enzyme, including X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance, analyses of DHFR amino-acid sequences and evaluations of the enzyme's functionality in cells and in ...
Scripps Research Institute Study Finds New Moves In Protein's Evolution - RedOrbit
Online News
10-01-2013 09:43 AM
Panacea: Liquid grace or toxic snake oil?
Panacea: Liquid grace or toxic snake oil? NMR spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectroscopy have been used to analyse snake oil, elixirs, panaceas and other quackery found in medicines prescribed from the 18th century onwards. It turns out that many of these often-patented nostrums contained highly dangerous levels of toxic elements including arsenic, mercury and lead, as well as cocaine, heroin and high levels of alcohol.
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04-15-2013 02:56 AM
Alzheimer's protein structure suggests new treatment directions - Eureka! Science News
Eureka! Science News
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Alzheimer's protein structure suggests new treatment directions
Eureka! Science News
The Vanderbilt researchers used nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paragmagnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure of C99, which has one membrane-spanning region. They were surprised to discover what appeared to be a "binding" ...
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Alzheimer's protein structure suggests new treatment directions - Eureka! Science News