[NMR paper] Solution-state methyl NMR spectroscopy of large non-deuterated proteins enabled by deep neural networks
Solution-state methyl NMR spectroscopy of large non-deuterated proteins enabled by deep neural networks
Methyl-TROSY nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique for characterising large biomolecules in solution. However, preparing samples for these experiments is demanding and entails deuteration, limiting its use. Here we demonstrate that NMR spectra recorded on protonated, uniformly ^(13)C labelled samples can be processed using deep neural networks to yield spectra that are of similar quality to typical deuterated methyl-TROSY spectra, potentially providing...
Towards autonomous analysis of chemical exchange saturation transfer experiments using deep neural networks
Towards autonomous analysis of chemical exchange saturation transfer experiments using deep neural networks
Macromolecules often exchange between functional states on timescales that can be accessed with NMR spectroscopy and many NMR tools have been developed to characterise the kinetics and thermodynamics of the exchange processes, as well as the structure of the conformers that are involved. However, analysis of the NMR data that report on exchanging macromolecules often hinges on complex least-squares fitting procedures as well as human...
Journal club
05-29-2022 03:31 AM
Students bring 'fresh insights' to scientific research on gene expression, deep neural networks and more - Clark University News Hub
Clark University News Hub
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Students bring 'fresh insights' to scientific research on gene expression, deep neural networks and more
Clark University News Hub
... biochemistry and molecular biology senior Pinky Htun '17 of Myanmar spent June and July isolating, purifying and studying proteins using state-of-the-art lab equipment, including a high-speed centrifuge and a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer.