Researchers take snapshots of potential â??kill switchâ?? for cancer - R & D Magazine
R & D Magazine Researchers take snapshots of potential â??kill switchâ?? for cancer R & D Magazine
To find out more, the research team first used a technique known as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, or NMR, to analyze how the protein domains move in the closed state, and followed up with studies at SSRL, where they observed how x-rays ...
Researchers take snapshots of potential â??kill switchâ?? for cancer - R & D Magazine More...
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J Mol Biol. 2005 Mar 25;347(2):277-85
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[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Chemical Potential By NMR
Chemical Potential By NMR
New to NMR, but a coworker mentioned that it may be possible to obtain chemical potential for a solution (polymer in solvent) by NMR relaxation techniques. Does anyone have references or information on this concept?
Thank you,