Protein courtship revealed through chemist's lens - Phys.Org
Protein courtship revealed through chemist's lens - Phys.Org
Phys.Org Protein courtship revealed through chemist's lens Phys.Org
But changes in the protein NMR spectra are small and weak, so finding out whether the trick worked wasn't straightforward. "At first, we didn't know what we were looking at. It appeared to us as uncertainty in the data, and it was extremely time ...
Measuring modified protein structures - Phys.Org
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Measuring modified protein structures
Although there is a series of techniques to study structurally modified proteins, such as x-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and other spectroscopic techniques, they cannot be used to analyse complex biological samples.
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Measuring modified protein structures - Phys.Org
Online News
09-15-2014 06:51 AM
Proteins' passing phases revealed - Phys.Org
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Proteins' passing phases revealed
X-ray crystallography and, more recently, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy are the most common tools to see how the amino acids in a protein chain arrange themselves based on their attractive and repulsive energies, but they say nothing about ...
Proteins' passing phases revealed - Phys.Org
Online News
12-05-2013 06:57 PM
Chemists find binding site of protein that allows plant growth - Phys.Org
Chemists find binding site of protein that allows plant growth - Phys.Org
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Chemists find binding site of protein that allows plant growth
A paper describing the discovery, "Sensitivity-enhanced solid-state NMR detection of expansin's target in plant cell walls," was just published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online Early Edition. Hong and Daniel Cosgrove ...
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Online News
09-24-2013 10:27 PM
New player emerges in mapping protein structures - Phys.Org
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New player emerges in mapping protein structures
Scientists also use nuclear magnetic resonance imaging to solve structures. And coming in at a distant third is a technique called single-particle cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM), in which a macromolecule is immobilized in a thin film of vitrified ...
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New player emerges in mapping protein structures - Phys.Org
Online News
09-20-2013 02:39 PM
Researchers uncover protein's job protecting pneumonia-causing pathogen from ... - Phys.Org
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Researchers uncover protein's job protecting pneumonia-causing pathogen from ...
Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyâ??a technique to obtain mechanistic and structural information about moleculesâ??they were able to determine the pathway by which copper is transferred from CupA to CopA. "This work represents an excellent ...
Researchers uncover protein's job protecting pneumonia-causing pathogen from ... - Phys.Org
Online News
01-29-2013 01:16 PM
3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org
3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org
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3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat
Using NMR spectroscopy, the team mapped the arrangement of atoms in a protein called CXCR1, which detects the inflammatory signal interleukin 8 and, through a G protein located inside the cell, triggers a cascade of events that can mobilize immune ...
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Online News
11-04-2012 05:53 AM
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation - Phys.Org
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation - Phys.Org
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Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation
NMR and other biophysical data collected at EMSL confirmed that the biological unit of DUF269 in solution was the same as observed in the asymmetric unit of the crystal, a dimer. Further biochemical experiments are in progress to determine the ...
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Online News
07-24-2012 08:28 PM
Research discovery: Near-complete set of templates for protein complexes ... - Phys.Org
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Research discovery: Near-complete set of templates for protein complexes ...
Such accurate computer modeling is based on â??templateâ?? structures of proteins determined by X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Until now, it was believed that many years of work were required before a practically useful set of ...
Research discovery: Near-complete set of templates for protein complexes ... - Phys.Org