[NMR paper] Fragment-Based Approach for the Evaluation of NMR Chemical Shifts for Large Biomolecules Incorporating the Effects of the Solvent Environment.
Fragment-Based Approach for the Evaluation of NMR Chemical Shifts for Large Biomolecules Incorporating the Effects of the Solvent Environment.
Fragment-Based Approach for the Evaluation of NMR Chemical Shifts for Large Biomolecules Incorporating the Effects of the Solvent Environment.
J Chem Theory Comput. 2017 Feb 14;:
Authors: Jose KV, Raghavachari K
We present an efficient implementation of the molecules-in-molecules (MIM) fragment-based quantum chemical method for the evaluation of NMR chemical shifts of large...
Journal club
02-15-2017 03:40 PM
[CNS Yahoo group] Sweet and discreet tweets about helices and sheets - @PDBeurope
Sweet and discreet tweets about helices and sheets - @PDBeurope
Following feedback from students, collaborators and other structural biologists, the Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe; pdbe.org) has become aware of a need