Proteinâ??protein interaction inhibitor tackles drug resistance -
Proteinâ??protein interaction inhibitor tackles drug resistance - Proteinâ??protein interaction inhibitor tackles drug resistance NMR spectroscopy was then used to determine the mechanism of action of the most potent compound, termed iKIX1. The high-resolution structure showed that iKIX1 binds to the three-helix hydrophobic groove of the KIX domain of Gal11A, engaging the same ...
[NMR paper] Protein-Inhibitor Interaction Studies Using NMR.
Protein-Inhibitor Interaction Studies Using NMR.
Protein-Inhibitor Interaction Studies Using NMR.
Appl NMR Spectrosc. 2015;1:143-181
Authors: Ishima R
Solution-state NMR has been widely applied to determine the three-dimensional structure, dynamics, and molecular interactions of proteins. The designs of experiments used in protein NMR differ from those used for small-molecule NMR, primarily because the information available prior to an experiment, such as molecular mass and knowledge of the primary structure, is...
Journal club
09-12-2015 12:36 PM
Disruption of prion proteinâ??HOP engagement impairs glioblastoma growth and ... -
Disruption of prion proteinâ??HOP engagement impairs glioblastoma growth and ... -
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Disruption of prion proteinâ??HOP engagement impairs glioblastoma growth and ...
We showed previously that the interaction of heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70)â??Hsp90-organizing protein (HOP, aka stress-inducible phosphoprotein 1, STI1 or STIP1) with cellular prion protein (PrPC) leads to the activation of signaling pathways that ...
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Accuracy and precision of proteinâ??ligand interaction kinetics determined from chemical shift titrations
Accuracy and precision of proteinâ??ligand interaction kinetics determined from chemical shift titrations
Abstract NMR-monitored chemical shift titrations for the study of weak proteinâ??ligand interactions represent a rich source of information regarding thermodynamic parameters such as dissociation constants (K D ) in the micro- to millimolar range, populations for the free and ligand-bound states, and the kinetics of interconversion between states, which are typically within the fast exchange regime on the NMR timescale. We recently developed two chemical shift titration methods...
Journal club
10-24-2012 10:28 PM
Researchers Look at Averting Drug Resistance - Drug Discovery & Development
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Researchers Look at Averting Drug Resistance
Drug Discovery & Development
Kern and her team studied the protein using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, adding a drug mimetic in order to learn how the structure EmrE was designed and how it functioned as it was transportingâ??moving the drug from the inside of the cell ...
Researchers Look at Averting Drug Resistance - Drug Discovery & Development
Online News
02-02-2012 09:43 PM
[NMR paper] Flavonoid binding to a multi-drug-resistance transporter protein: an STD-NMR study.
Flavonoid binding to a multi-drug-resistance transporter protein: an STD-NMR study.
Related Articles Flavonoid binding to a multi-drug-resistance transporter protein: an STD-NMR study.
Anal Bioanal Chem. 2004 Aug;379(7-8):1045-9
Authors: Nissler L, Gebhardt R, Berger S
Flavonoids are well known to inhibit the function of the multi-drug-resistance (mdr) transporter by interacting with their ATP binding domains. The precise orientation of these molecules inside the ATP binding pocket is still unclear. We applied the saturation transfer...
Journal club
11-24-2010 09:51 PM
[NMR paper] NMR investigation of the interaction of the inhibitor protein Im9 with its partner DN
NMR investigation of the interaction of the inhibitor protein Im9 with its partner DNase.
Related Articles NMR investigation of the interaction of the inhibitor protein Im9 with its partner DNase.
Protein Sci. 2000 Sep;9(9):1709-18
Authors: Boetzel R, Czisch M, Kaptein R, Hemmings AM, James R, Kleanthous C, Moore GR
The bacterial toxin colicin E9 is secreted by producing Escherichia coli cells with its 9.5 kDa inhibitor protein Im9 bound tightly to its 14.5 kDa C-terminal DNase domain. Double- and triple-resonance NMR spectra of the 24 kDa...
Journal club
11-19-2010 08:29 PM
[NMR paper] NMR diffusion and relaxation study of drug-protein interaction.
NMR diffusion and relaxation study of drug-protein interaction.
Related Articles NMR diffusion and relaxation study of drug-protein interaction.
Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 1999 Aug;55A(9):1897-901
Authors: Luo RS, Liu ML, Mao XA
In this work, NMR diffusion and relaxation measurements are applied to the study of the interaction between the anti-inflammatory drug salicylate and the human serum albumin (HSA) in solutions. The self-diffusion coefficients and the spin-lattice relaxation rates of salicylate are measured as a function...