6 Nobel laureates to help Scripps celebrate 50th - SignOnSanDiego.com
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6 Nobel laureates to help Scripps celebrate 50th
Kurt Wuthrich shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in chemistry for showing how nuclear magnetic resonance imaging could be used to study proteins. Nobelprize.org Six Nobel Prize winners will help The Scripps Research Institute celebrate a half-century of ...
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6 Nobel laureates to help Scripps celebrate 50th - SignOnSanDiego.com
Online News
11-02-2011 02:14 AM
Structure of Parkinson's disease protein identified - Brandeis University
Brandeis University
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Structure of Parkinson's disease protein identified
Brandeis University
Pochapsky's lab was responsible for examining the protein using nuclear magnetic resonance, a sort of MRI for molecules. Alpha-synuclein is found in large quantities in the brain. Its association with Parkinson's disease has stirred curiosity since it ...
Structure of Parkinson's disease protein identified - Brandeis University
Detect protein disorder to avoid wasting NMR time
Unless disordered proteins is what you are after, you may want to check if the protein you want to study with NMR is actually disordered and most likely not a very good NMR target.
The following servers for prediction of disordered regions in proteins are available. PONDR