NMR provides fresh atomic insights into a key protein that helps repair DNA - domain-B
domain-B NMR provides fresh atomic insights into a key protein that helps repair DNA domain-B
In a new study published in Nature Communications, two teams of scientists from Imperial College London and the University of Dundee have succeeded in visualising this flexible protein for the first time, using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) ...
NMR provides fresh atomic insights into a key protein that helps repair DNA - domain-B More...
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NMR provides fresh atomic insights into a key protein that helps repair DNA - Imperial College London
NMR provides fresh atomic insights into a key protein that helps repair DNA - Imperial College London
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NMR provides fresh atomic insights into a key protein that helps repair DNA
Imperial College London
Scientists have made an important advance in understanding how a protein that identifies and repairs cancerous cells operates. RNF4 is a type of regulatory protein that controls the function and fate of proteins in cells by chemically flagging them ...
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Nonnative Interactions in the FF Domain Folding Pathway from an Atomic Resolution Structure of a Sparsely Populated Intermediate: An NMR Relaxation Dispersion Study
Nonnative Interactions in the FF Domain Folding Pathway from an Atomic Resolution Structure of a Sparsely Populated Intermediate: An NMR Relaxation Dispersion Study
Dmitry M. Korzhnev, Robert M. Vernon, Tomasz L. Religa, Alexandar L. Hansen, David Baker, Alan R. Fersht and Lewis E. Kay
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja203686t
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Non-Native Interactions in the FF Domain Folding Pathway From an Atomic Resolution Structure of a Sparsely Populated Intermediate: An NMR Relaxation Dispersion Study.
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