[NMR paper] Effects of Macromolecular Cosolutes on the Kinetics of Huntingtin Aggregation Monitored by NMR Spectroscopy
Effects of Macromolecular Cosolutes on the Kinetics of Huntingtin Aggregation Monitored by NMR Spectroscopy
The effects of two macromolecular cosolutes, specifically the polysaccharide dextran-20 and the protein lysozyme, on the aggregation kinetics of a pathogenic huntingtin exon-1 protein (hht^(ex1)) with a 35 polyglutamine repeat, htt^(ex1)Q(35), are described. A unified kinetic model that establishes a direct connection between reversible tetramerization occurring on the microsecond time scale and irreversible fibril formation on a time scale of hours/days forms the basis for...
Journal club
06-10-2024 11:03 PM
Quantitative NMR analysis of the mechanism and kinetics of chaperone Hsp104 action on amyloid-?42 aggregation and fibril formation
Quantitative NMR analysis of the mechanism and kinetics of chaperone Hsp104 action on amyloid-?42 aggregation and fibril formation
Shreya GhoshVitali TugarinovG. Marius CloreaLaboratory of Chemical Physics, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 120, Issue 21, May 2023.
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Journal club
05-24-2023 07:58 AM
[NMR paper] Quantitative NMR analysis of the mechanism and kinetics of chaperone Hsp104 action on amyloid-?42 aggregation and fibril formation
Quantitative NMR analysis of the mechanism and kinetics of chaperone Hsp104 action on amyloid-?42 aggregation and fibril formation
The chaperone Hsp104, a member of the Hsp100/Clp family of translocases, prevents fibril formation of a variety of amyloidogenic peptides in a paradoxically substoichiometric manner. To understand the mechanism whereby Hsp104 inhibits fibril formation, we probed the interaction of Hsp104 with the Alzheimer's amyloid-?42 (A?42) peptide using a variety of biophysical techniques. Hsp104 is highly effective at suppressing the formation of Thioflavin T (ThT)...
[NMR paper] Quantitative NMR analysis of the kinetics of prenucleation oligomerization and aggregation of pathogenic huntingtin exon-1 protein
Quantitative NMR analysis of the kinetics of prenucleation oligomerization and aggregation of pathogenic huntingtin exon-1 protein
The N-terminal region of the huntingtin protein, encoded by exon-1 (htt^(ex1)) and containing an expanded polyglutamine tract, forms fibrils that accumulate in neuronal inclusion bodies, resulting in Huntington's disease. We previously showed that reversible formation of a sparsely populated tetramer of the N-terminal amphiphilic domain, comprising a dimer of dimers in a four-helix bundle configuration, occurs on the microsecond timescale and is an essential...
Structureand Dynamics of the Huntingtin Exon-1N-Terminus: A*Solution NMR Perspective
Structureand Dynamics of the Huntingtin Exon-1N-Terminus: A*Solution NMR Perspective
Maria Baias, Pieter E. S. Smith, Koning Shen, Lukasz A. Joachimiak, Szymon Z?erko, Wiktor Koz?min?ski, Judith Frydman and Lucio Frydman
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b10893