'Invisible' protein structure explains the power of enzymes - Phys.Org
'Invisible' protein structure explains the power of enzymes - Phys.Org
Phys.Org 'Invisible' protein structure explains the power of enzymes Phys.Org
The discovery has been made possible thanks to a broad scientific approach where numerous advanced biophysical techniques have been used; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and x-ray crystallography being the main techniques. "One of the ...
[NMR paper] Visualizing Side-chains of Invisible Protein Conformers by Solution NMR.
Visualizing Side-chains of Invisible Protein Conformers by Solution NMR.
Related Articles Visualizing Side-chains of Invisible Protein Conformers by Solution NMR.
J Mol Biol. 2013 Nov 7;
Authors: Bouvignies G, Vallurupalli P, Kay LE
Sparsely populated and transiently formed protein conformers can play key roles in many biochemical processes. Understanding the structure function paradigm requires, therefore, an atomic resolution description of these rare states. Yet they are difficult to study because they cannot be observed using...
Journal club
11-12-2013 03:52 PM
Visualizing Side-chains of Invisible Protein Conformers by Solution NMR
Visualizing Side-chains of Invisible Protein Conformers by Solution NMR
Publication date: Available online 8 November 2013
Source:Journal of Molecular Biology</br>
Author(s): Guillaume Bouvignies , Pramodh Vallurupalli , Lewis E. Kay</br>
Sparsely populated and transiently formed protein conformers can play key roles in many biochemical processes. Understanding the structure function paradigm requires, therefore, an atomic resolution description of these rare states. Yet they are difficult to study because they cannot be observed using standard biophysical...
Journal club
11-08-2013 01:42 PM
3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org
3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org
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3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat
Using NMR spectroscopy, the team mapped the arrangement of atoms in a protein called CXCR1, which detects the inflammatory signal interleukin 8 and, through a G protein located inside the cell, triggers a cascade of events that can mobilize immune ...
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Online News
11-04-2012 05:53 AM
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation - Phys.Org
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation - Phys.Org
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial protein associated with nitrogen fixation
NMR and other biophysical data collected at EMSL confirmed that the biological unit of DUF269 in solution was the same as observed in the asymmetric unit of the crystal, a dimer. Further biochemical experiments are in progress to determine the ...
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Online News
07-24-2012 08:28 PM
Wavelet transform analysis of NMR structure ensembles to reveal internal fluctuations of enzymes.
Wavelet transform analysis of NMR structure ensembles to reveal internal fluctuations of enzymes.
Wavelet transform analysis of NMR structure ensembles to reveal internal fluctuations of enzymes.
Amino Acids. 2011 Apr 9;
Authors: Hu M, Li Y, Yang G, Li G, Li M, Wen Z
Internal motions and flexibility are essential for biological functions in proteins. To assess the internal fluctuations and conformational flexibility of proteins, reliable computational methods are needed. In this study, wavelet transformation was used to filter out the noise and...
Journal club
04-12-2011 11:08 AM
Measuring 1HN temperature coefficients in invisible protein states by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy
Measuring 1HN temperature coefficients in invisible protein states by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy
Abstract A method based on the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiment is presented for measuring the temperature coefficients of amide proton chemical shifts of low populated â??invisibleâ?? protein states that exchange with a â??visibleâ?? ground state on the millisecond time-scale. The utility of the approach is demonstrated with an application to an I58D mutant of the Pfl6 Cro protein that undergoes exchange between the native, folded state and a cold...
Journal club
03-22-2011 07:32 PM
Using relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy to determine structures of excited, invisible protein states
Using relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy to determine structures of excited, invisible protein states
D. Flemming Hansen, Pramodh Vallurupalli and Lewis E. Kay
Journal of Biomolecular NMR; 2008; 41(3); pp 113 - 120
Currently the main focus of structural biology is the determination of static three-dimensional representations of biomolecules that for the most part correspond to low energy (ground state) conformations. However, it is becoming increasingly well recognized that higher energy structures often play important roles in function as well. Because these conformers...