Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking
UK scientists have used NMR for the first time to develop a 3D picture of a herpes virus protein interacting with a key part of the human cellular machinery. The study improves our understanding of how the virus hijacks human cells and could eventually lead to new targets for drug therapy.
Source: Spectroscopynow.com
01-15-2011 02:09 AM
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking - spectroscopyNOW.com
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking - spectroscopyNOW.com
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Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking
UK scientists have used solution-state NMR spectroscopy for the first time to develop a 3D picture of a herpes virus protein interacting with a key part of ...
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Online News
01-15-2011 02:09 AM
[NMR paper] Validation of the binding site structure of the cellular retinol-binding protein (CRB
Validation of the binding site structure of the cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) by ligand NMR chemical shift perturbations.
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Structure of key protein for cellular signal transduction elucidated - News-Medical.n
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Structure of key protein for cellular signal transduction elucidated
Using NMR spectroscopy, Professor Michael Sattler and his team elucidated the spatial structure of the Qua1 region of Sam68, which is responsible for the ...
and more »
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