Sensitivity-enhanced NMR reveals alterations in protein structure by cellular milieus
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Sensitivity-enhanced NMR reveals alterations in protein structure by cellular milieus
Frederick, K.K., et al., Sensitivity-enhanced NMR reveals alterations in protein structure by cellular milieus. Cell, 2015. 163(3): p. 620-8.
News from NMR blogs
02-23-2016 12:44 AM
[NMR paper] Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus.
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus.
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus.
Cell. 2015 Oct 7;
Authors: Frederick KK, Michaelis VK, Corzilius B, Ong TC, Jacavone AC, Griffin RG, Lindquist S
Biological processes occur in complex environments containing a myriad of potential interactors. Unfortunately, limitations on the sensitivity of biophysical techniques normally restrict structural investigations to purified systems, at...
Journal club
10-13-2015 06:03 PM
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus
Publication date: Available online 8 October 2015
Author(s): Kendra*K. Frederick, Vladimir*K. Michaelis, Björn Corzilius, Ta-Chung Ong, Angela*C. Jacavone, Robert*G. Griffin, Susan Lindquist</br>
Biological processes occur in complex environments containing a myriad of potential interactors. Unfortunately, limitations on the sensitivity of biophysical techniques normally restrict structural investigations to purified systems, at concentrations that are...