Enhanced-sensitivity NMR could reveal new clues to how proteins fold - Phys.Org
Enhanced-sensitivity NMR could reveal new clues to how proteins fold - Phys.Org
Phys.Org Enhanced-sensitivity NMR could reveal new clues to how proteins fold Phys.Org
Until now, it has been difficult to fully characterize the different structures that proteins can take on in their natural environments. However, using a new technique known as sensitivity-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), MIT researchers have ...
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus
Publication date: Available online 8 October 2015
Author(s): Kendra*K. Frederick, Vladimir*K. Michaelis, Björn Corzilius, Ta-Chung Ong, Angela*C. Jacavone, Robert*G. Griffin, Susan Lindquist</br>
Biological processes occur in complex environments containing a myriad of potential interactors. Unfortunately, limitations on the sensitivity of biophysical techniques normally restrict structural investigations to purified systems, at concentrations that are...
A trick to fold proteins more quickly - PhysOrg.com - Phys.Org
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A trick to fold proteins more quickly - PhysOrg.com
"We exploit the experimental data obtained observing the proteins through nuclear magnetic resonance, and use them to create restraints to be applied to the model", explained Laio, who has coordinated the research published in Proceedings of the ...
A trick to fold proteins more quickly - PhysOrg.com - Phys.Org
Online News
05-08-2013 02:49 PM
Solution NMR and X-ray crystal structures of membrane-associated Lipoprotein-17 domain reveal a novel fold.
Solution NMR and X-ray crystal structures of membrane-associated Lipoprotein-17 domain reveal a novel fold.
Solution NMR and X-ray crystal structures of membrane-associated Lipoprotein-17 domain reveal a novel fold.
J Struct Funct Genomics. 2010 Dec 14;
Authors: Mani R, Vorobiev S, Swapna GV, Neely H, Janjua H, Ciccosanti C, Xiao R, Acton TB, Everett JK, Hunt J, Montelione GT
The conserved Lipoprotein-17 domain of membrane-associated protein Q9PRA0_UREPA from Ureaplasma parvum was selected for structure determination by the Northeast Structural...
Journal club
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