Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Aids Cancer Drug - News-Medical.net
News-Medical.net Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Aids Cancer Drug News-Medical.net
Compared with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), EPR offers improved sensitivity, and can be used within a shorter time-frame and in larger molecules. EPR can also be used in conjunction with a spin-labeled protein, in which a stable radical is used to ...
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Aids Cancer Drug - News-Medical.net More...
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TAU research highlights neuroprotective potential of protein-protectant drug candidate SKIP
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NMR in cancer research: an interview with Andy Byrd
I specialize in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) applied to biological problems. Our lab is very interested in studying mammalian proteins, particularly systems involved in cancer, in order to try to understand mechanisms to provide that information ...
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Cavity- and waveguide-resonators in electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance imaging
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Cavity- and waveguide-resonators in electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance imaging
This is a very nice review of cavities that are used in EPR, NMR and MRI. So far resonators have not been widely employed in DNP spectroscopy - only in some static DNP experiments. However, it is an intriguing problem that could, if solved, allow using cost-effective solid-state sources for DNP even at high temperatures.
Even if this article is not specifically about resonators for DNP it gives a very nice overview of the...
News from NMR blogs
12-09-2014 01:07 AM
Cavity- and waveguide-resonators in electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance imaging
Cavity- and waveguide-resonators in electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance imaging
Publication date: November 2014
Source:Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Volume 83</br>
Author(s): Andrew Webb</br>
Cavity resonators are widely used in electron paramagnetic resonance, very high field magnetic resonance microimaging and also in high field human imaging. The basic principles and designs of different forms of cavity resonators including rectangular, cylindrical, re-entrant, cavity magnetrons, toroidal...
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St. Jude analysis reveals how protein p53 triggers cancer cells to commit suicide - News-Medical.net
St. Jude analysis reveals how protein p53 triggers cancer cells to commit suicide - News-Medical.net
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St. Jude analysis reveals how protein p53 triggers cancer cells to commit suicide
In their studies, the researchers used a structural analysis technique called NMR spectroscopy to map the 3-D structure of p53 binding to BCL-xL. Their experiments also revealed in detail how one region of the p53 protein, called the DNA-binding domain ...
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Phase cycling with a 240 GHz, free electron laser-powered electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer
From the The DNP-NMR Blog:
Phase cycling with a 240 GHz, free electron laser-powered electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer
This is not an article directly related to DNP spectroscopy. However, it shows the tremendous progress made in the development of high-frequency, high-power sources that can be utilized for high-field EPR and eventually DNP experiments.
<div>Edwards, D.T., et al., Phase cycling with a 240 GHz, free electron laser-powered electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013.
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Purifying Proteins: Researchers Use NMR To Improve Drug Development - Medical News To
Purifying Proteins: Researchers Use NMR To Improve Drug Development - Medical News Today (press release)
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Purifying Proteins: Researchers Use NMR To Improve Drug Development
Medical News Today (press release)
From the NMR data, they were able to determine what part and type of the protein the ligands were binding to and how strongly they would bind. ...
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