Electron microscopes close to imaging individual atoms - Science /AAAS
Science /AAAS Electron microscopes close to imaging individual atoms Science /AAAS
The two main power tools, x-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, enable researchers to pin down the position of protein features to less than 0.2 nanometers, good enough to see individual atoms. By contrast, cryo-EM ...
Electron microscopes close to imaging individual atoms - Science /AAAS More...
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Phase cycling with a 240 GHz, free electron laser-powered electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer
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Under the electron microscope -- A 3-D image of an individual protein
Scientists routinely create models of proteins using X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and conventional cryo-electron microscope (cryoEM) imaging. But these models require computer â??averagingâ?? of data from analysis of thousands, ...
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Under the electron microscope - a 3D image of an individual protein - Nanowerk LLC
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Under the electron microscope - a 3D image of an individual protein
Nanowerk LLC
C) Analysis shows how the particle structure is formed by three ApoA-1 proteins (red, green, blue noodle-like models) Scientists routinely create models of proteins using X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and conventional cryo-electron ...
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[NMR paper] Gated electron transfers and electron pathways in azurin: a NMR dynamic study at mult
Gated electron transfers and electron pathways in azurin: a NMR dynamic study at multiple fields and temperatures.
Related Articles Gated electron transfers and electron pathways in azurin: a NMR dynamic study at multiple fields and temperatures.
J Mol Biol. 2004 Oct 1;342(5):1599-611
Authors: Zhuravleva AV, Korzhnev DM, Kupce E, Arseniev AS, Billeter M, Orekhov VY
Dynamic properties of electron transfer pathways in a small blue copper cupredoxin are explored using an extensive 15N NMR relaxation study of reduced Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin...