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Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer and Alzheimer's disease - Phys.Org
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Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer and Alzheimer's disease
Using high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Peng and his group propose answers to both questions. He explained with a metaphor. "When Pin 1 is by itself, its two domains, call them 'A' and 'B,' have greater physical contact," he said.
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Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer...
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Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer, Alzheimer's disease - Science Daily
Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer, Alzheimer's disease - Science Daily
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Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer, Alzheimer's disease
Science Daily
NMR-based model for Pin1 (â??Aâ?? and â??Bâ?? globular domains), and its interaction with its â??disorderedâ?? protein targets pertinent to cancer and Alzheimer's disease (green). The Pin1 â??Aâ?? and â??Bâ?? domains specialize in peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity and ...
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Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer and Alzheimer's disease - ND Newswire
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Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer and Alzheimer's disease
ND Newswire
Using high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Peng and his group propose answers to both questions. He explained with a metaphor. â??When Pin 1 is by itself, its two domains, call them 'A' and 'B,' have greater physical contact,â?? he said.
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Study Reveals Insights Into Protein Linked to Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease
Newswise (press release)
Yet they are increasingly recognized as functional units, figuring prominently in cancer-related proteins. So a second question has been, how does Pin1 interact with those disordered sites? Using high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy ...
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Sex hormone levels at midlife linked to heart disease risk in women
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Such accurate computer modeling is based on â??templateâ?? structures of proteins determined by X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Until now, it was believed that many years of work were required before a practically useful set of ...
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These amino acids gave off telltale structural clues when analyzed with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a method for using the magnetic properties of atoms to determine a molecule's physical and chemical properties. "It was very difficult and ...
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Molecular mobility of protein in lyophilized formulations linked to the molecular mobility of polymer excipients, as determined by high resolution 13C solid-state NMR.
Related Articles Molecular mobility of protein in lyophilized formulations linked to the molecular mobility of polymer excipients, as determined by high resolution 13C solid-state NMR.
Pharm Res. 1999 Oct;16(10):1621-5
Authors: Yoshioka S, Aso Y, Kojima S, Sakurai S, Fujiwara T, Akutsu H
PURPOSE: The mobility of protein molecules in lyophilized protein formulations was compared...