Development of an In Situ G Protein-Coupled Receptor Fragment Molecule Screening Approach with High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - ACS Publications
Development of an In Situ G Protein-Coupled Receptor Fragment Molecule Screening Approach with High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - ACS Publications
[NMR paper] Deuteration for High-Resolution Detection of Protons in Protein Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) Solid-State NMR
Deuteration for High-Resolution Detection of Protons in Protein Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) Solid-State NMR
Proton detection developed in the last 20 years as the method of choice to study biomolecules in the solid state. In perdeuterated proteins, proton dipolar interactions are strongly attenuated, which allows yielding of high-resolution proton spectra. Perdeuteration and backsubstitution of exchangeable protons is essential if samples are rotated with MAS rotation frequencies below 60 kHz. Protonated samples can be investigated directly without spin dilution using proton detection...
Journal club
12-07-2021 02:05 PM
[NMR paper] Insight into small molecule binding to the neonatal Fc receptor by X-ray crystallography and 100 kHz magic-angle-spinning NMR.
Insight into small molecule binding to the neonatal Fc receptor by X-ray crystallography and 100 kHz magic-angle-spinning NMR. Related Articles Insight into small molecule binding to the neonatal Fc receptor by X-ray crystallography and 100 kHz magic-angle-spinning NMR.
PLoS Biol. 2018 May 21;16(5):e2006192
Authors: Stöppler D, Macpherson A, Smith-Penzel S, Basse N, Lecomte F, Deboves H, Taylor RD, Norman T,...
Journal club
05-22-2018 08:59 PM
[NMR paper] Dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced biomolecular NMR spectroscopy at high magnetic field with fast magic-angle spinning.
Dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced biomolecular NMR spectroscopy at high magnetic field with fast magic-angle spinning.
Dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced biomolecular NMR spectroscopy at high magnetic field with fast magic-angle spinning.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2018 Mar 22;:
Authors: Jaudzems K, Bertarello A, Chaudhari SR, Pica A, Cala-De Paepe D, Barbet-Massin E, Pell AJ, Akopjana I, Kotelovica S, Gajan D, Ouari O, Tars K, Pintacuda G, Lesage A
Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) represents a powerful way to...
Journal club
03-23-2018 11:18 AM
[NMR paper] The effects of high concentrations of ionic liquid on GB1 protein structure and dynamics probed by high-resolution magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy.
The effects of high concentrations of ionic liquid on GB1 protein structure and dynamics probed by high-resolution magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy.
Related Articles The effects of high concentrations of ionic liquid on GB1 protein structure and dynamics probed by high-resolution magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy.
Biochem Biophys Rep. 2016 Dec;8:75-80
Authors: Warner L, Gjersing E, Follett SE, Elliott KW, Dzyuba SV, Varga K
Ionic liquids have great potential in biological applications and biocatalysis, as some...
Journal club
07-20-2017 08:40 AM
The effects of high concentrations of ionic liquid on GB1 protein structure and dynamics probed by high-resolution magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy
The effects of high concentrations of ionic liquid on GB1 protein structure and dynamics probed by high-resolution magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy
Publication date: Available online 11 August 2016
Source:Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports</br>
Author(s): Lisa Warner, Erica Gjersing, Shelby E. Follett, K. Wade Elliott, Sergei V. Dzyuba, Krisztina Varga</br>
Ionic liquids have great potential in biological applications and biocatalysis, as some ionic liquids can stabilize proteins and enhance enzyme activity, while others have the opposite effect....
Journal club
08-11-2016 07:03 PM
[NMR paper] Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of g protein-coupled receptors.
Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of g protein-coupled receptors.
Related Articles Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of g protein-coupled receptors.
Methods Enzymol. 2013;522:365-89
Authors: Goncalves J, Eilers M, South K, Opefi CA, Laissue P, Reeves PJ, Smith SO
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest family of membrane receptors and mediate a diversity of cellular processes. These receptors have a common seven-transmembrane helix structure, yet have evolved...
Journal club
02-05-2013 09:51 PM
[NMR paper] High-resolution magic angle spinning NMR of the neuronal tau protein integrated in Alzheimer's-like paired helical fragments.
High-resolution magic angle spinning NMR of the neuronal tau protein integrated in Alzheimer's-like paired helical fragments.
Related Articles High-resolution magic angle spinning NMR of the neuronal tau protein integrated in Alzheimer's-like paired helical fragments.
J Am Chem Soc. 2005 Jul 27;127(29):10138-9
Authors: Sillen A, Wieruszeski JM, Leroy A, Younes AB, Landrieu I, Lippens G
HRMAS NMR of tau paired helical fragments assembled with heparin show an intensity decrease for those amino acids that are incorporated into the rigid core...
Journal club
12-01-2010 06:56 PM
[NMR paper] High-resolution magic angle spinning 1H NMR spectroscopic studies on intact rat renal
High-resolution magic angle spinning 1H NMR spectroscopic studies on intact rat renal cortex and medulla. Related Articles High-resolution magic angle spinning 1H NMR spectroscopic studies on intact rat renal cortex and medulla.
Magn Reson Med. 1999 Jun;41(6):1108-18
Authors: Garrod S, Humpfer E, Spraul M, Connor SC, Polley S, Connelly J, Lindon JC, Nicholson JK, Holmes E
High-resolution magic angle...