Determining protein structures in processes through the years - Times of Malta
Determining protein structures in processes through the years - Times of Malta
Times of Malta Determining protein structures in processes through the years Times of Malta
The main techniques involved in 3D protein structure determination are X-Ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. X-Ray crystallography is the more commonly used technique. However, it requires protein crystallisation, ...
[NMR paper] SOS-NMR: a saturation transfer NMR-based method for determining the structures of pro
SOS-NMR: a saturation transfer NMR-based method for determining the structures of protein-ligand complexes.
Related Articles SOS-NMR: a saturation transfer NMR-based method for determining the structures of protein-ligand complexes.
J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Mar 3;126(8):2390-8
Authors: Hajduk PJ, Mack JC, Olejniczak ET, Park C, Dandliker PJ, Beutel BA
An NMR-based alternative to traditional X-ray crystallography and NMR methods for structure-based drug design is described that enables the structure determination of ligands complexed to virtually...
Journal club
11-24-2010 09:25 PM
[NMR paper] 14N NMR relaxation times of several protein amino acids in aqueous solution--comparis
14N NMR relaxation times of several protein amino acids in aqueous solution--comparison with 17O NMR data and estimation of the relative hydration numbers in the cationic and zwitterionic forms.
Related Articles 14N NMR relaxation times of several protein amino acids in aqueous solution--comparison with 17O NMR data and estimation of the relative hydration numbers in the cationic and zwitterionic forms.
J Magn Reson. 2003 Oct;164(2):294-303
Authors: Troganis AN, Tsanaktsidis C, Gerothanassis IP
The 14N nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)...
Journal club
11-24-2010 09:16 PM
[NMR paper] Observation of slow dynamic exchange processes in Ras protein crystals by 31P solid s
Observation of slow dynamic exchange processes in Ras protein crystals by 31P solid state NMR spectroscopy.
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J Mol Biol. 2002 Nov 8;323(5):899-907
Authors: Stumber M, Geyer M, Graf R, Kalbitzer HR, Scheffzek K, Haeberlen U
The folding, structure and biological function of many proteins are inherently dynamic properties of the protein molecule. Often, the respective molecular processes are preserved upon protein...
Journal club
11-24-2010 08:58 PM
[NMR paper] A novel NMR method for determining the interfaces of large protein-protein complexes.
A novel NMR method for determining the interfaces of large protein-protein complexes.
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Nat Struct Biol. 2000 Mar;7(3):220-3
Authors: Takahashi H, Nakanishi T, Kami K, Arata Y, Shimada I
Identification of the interfaces of large (Mr > 50,000) protein-protein complexes in solution by high resolution NMR has typically been achieved using experiments involving chemical shift perturbation and/or hydrogen-deuterium exchange of the main chain amide...
Journal club
11-18-2010 09:15 PM
[NMR paper] Determining the structures of large proteins and protein complexes by NMR.
Determining the structures of large proteins and protein complexes by NMR.
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Trends Biotechnol. 1998 Jan;16(1):22-34
Authors: Clore GM, Gronenborn AM
Recent advances in multidimensional NMR methodology to obtain 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments, interproton-distance and torsion-angle restraints, and restraints that characterize long-range order have, coupled with new methods of structure refinement, permitted solution structure of proteins in excess...
Journal club
11-17-2010 11:06 PM
[NMR paper] Fluctuations, exchange processes, and water diffusion in aqueous protein systems: A s
Fluctuations, exchange processes, and water diffusion in aqueous protein systems: A study of bovine serum albumin by diverse NMR techniques. Related Articles Fluctuations, exchange processes, and water diffusion in aqueous protein systems: A study of bovine serum albumin by diverse NMR techniques.
Biophys J. 1990 Nov;58(5):1183-97
Authors: Kimmich R, Gneiting T, Kotitschke K, Schnur G
Experimental frequency, concentration, and...
Journal club
08-21-2010 11:04 PM
[NMR paper] Computational methods for determining protein structures from NMR data.
Computational methods for determining protein structures from NMR data. Related Articles Computational methods for determining protein structures from NMR data.
Biochem Pharmacol. 1990 Jul 1;40(1):15-22
Authors: Gippert GP, Yip PF, Wright PE, Case DA
The general procedures by which solution structures of proteins may be deduced from distance and angular constraints derived from NMR are reviewed, with an emphasis on practical aspects of...