NMR Cartoon - Yayers vs Ben Affleck
NMR Cartoon - Yayers vs Ben Affleck
NMR Cartoon - Yayers vs Ben Affleck
Tercera animación del canal de NMRC. Creado por @_Romanovak. En esta ocasión, Yayo se enfrenta contra Ben Affleck. Síguelo por Twitter: http://www.twitter.co...
http://gdata.youtube.com/static/images/icn_star_empty_11x11.gif http://gdata.youtube.com/static/images/icn_star_empty_11x11.gif http://gdata.youtube.com/static/images/icn_star_empty_11x11.gif http://gdata.youtube.com/static/images/icn_star_empty_11x11.gif...
NMR educational videos
09-17-2013 08:35 AM
[KPWU blog] [PyMOL] Sidechain helper in the cartoon view
Sidechain helper in the cartoon view
Using cartoon view to present the protein secondary structures and tertiary structure is common and we also often see people present some sidechains of particular residues which may be important in some biological roles. In PyMOL, when sidechain atoms are presented in the “sticks mode” with the cartoon*scaffold, we always see the backbone atoms (e.g. http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=kpwu.wordpress.com&blog=76132&post=609&subd=kpwu&ref=&feed=1
Go to KPWU blog to read complete post.
News from NMR blogs
11-13-2011 04:51 AM
[KPWU blog] Some cartoon views of proteins shown in PyMOL
Some cartoon views of proteins shown in PyMOL
Example of cartoon modes of protein shown by PyMOL Example protein: 1UA8, LolA By default, the cartoon mode in PyMOL shows protein structure like this way: We can change the background to white by typing “bg_color white” in the command terminal and also change the color of protein based on types of secondary structures in http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=kpwu.wordpress.com&blog=76132&post=526&subd=kpwu&ref=&feed=1
Go to KPWU blog to read complete post.
News from NMR blogs
10-05-2011 08:52 AM
[NMR paper] A simple protocol to study blue copper proteins by NMR.
A simple protocol to study blue copper proteins by NMR.
Related Articles A simple protocol to study blue copper proteins by NMR.
Eur J Biochem. 2003 Feb;270(4):600-9
Authors: Gelis I, Katsaros N, Luchinat C, Piccioli M, Poggi L
In the case of oxidized plastocyanin from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, an NMR approach based on classical two and three dimensional experiments for sequential assignment leaves unobserved 14 out of 98 amino acids. A protocol which simply makes use of tailored versions of 2D HSQC and 3D CBCA(CO)NH and CBCANH leads to the...
Journal club
11-24-2010 09:01 PM
[NMR paper] Application of NMR in structural proteomics: screening for proteins amenable to struc
Application of NMR in structural proteomics: screening for proteins amenable to structural analysis.
Related Articles Application of NMR in structural proteomics: screening for proteins amenable to structural analysis.
Structure. 2002 Dec;10(12):1613-8
Authors: Rehm T, Huber R, Holak TA
In the time of structural proteomics when protein structures are targeted on a genome-wide scale, the detection of "well-behaved" proteins that would yield good quality NMR spectra or X-ray images is the key to high-throughput structure determination. Already,...
Journal club
11-24-2010 08:58 PM
[NMR paper] Metal-ligand interplay in blue copper proteins studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy: Cu(II)
Metal-ligand interplay in blue copper proteins studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy: Cu(II)-pseudoazurin and Cu(II)-rusticyanin.
Related Articles Metal-ligand interplay in blue copper proteins studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy: Cu(II)-pseudoazurin and Cu(II)-rusticyanin.
J Am Chem Soc. 2002 Nov 20;124(46):13698-708
Authors: Donaire A, Jiménez B, Fernández CO, Pierattelli R, Niizeki T, Moratal JM, Hall JF, Kohzuma T, Hasnain SS, Vila AJ
The blue copper proteins (BCPs), pseudoazurin from Achromobacter cycloclastes and rusticyanin from Thiobacillus...