Analyzing protein structures in their native environment - R & D Magazine
R & D Magazine Analyzing protein structures in their native environment R & D Magazine
However, using a new technique known as sensitivity-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have shown that they can analyze the structure that a yeast protein forms as it interacts with other ...
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Analyzing protein structures in their native environment - (blog)
Analyzing protein structures in their native environment - (blog) (blog)
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Analyzing protein structures in their native environment (blog)
Until now, it has been difficult to fully characterize the different structures that proteins can take on in their natural environments. However, using a new technique known as sensitivity-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), MIT...
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Structure Determination of Membrane Proteins in Their Native Phospholipid Bilayer Environment by Rotationally Aligned Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.
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