Alzheimer's Tau protein forms toxic complexes with cell membranes - Medical Xpress
Alzheimer's Tau protein forms toxic complexes with cell membranes - Medical Xpress
Medical Xpress Alzheimer's Tau protein forms toxic complexes with cell membranes Medical Xpress
The brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease contain characteristic tangles inside neurons. These tangles are formed when a protein called Tau aggregates into twisted fibrils. As a result, the neurons' transport systems ...
Tackling infectious disease â?? one protein at a time - Medical Xpress
Tackling infectious disease â?? one protein at a time - Medical Xpress
Medical Xpress
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Tackling infectious disease â?? one protein at a time
Medical Xpress
Garry Buchko and colleagues used NMR to solve the structure of the protein, which is found in an infection often conveyed by ticks. Credit: SSGCID. This week the team reached a milestone, announcing that its scientists have solved the 3-D structure of ...
Online News
06-10-2017 05:21 PM
Researchers focus on cell membranes to develop Alzheimer's ... - Science Daily
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Researchers focus on cell membranes to develop Alzheimer's ...
Science Daily
Thin parts of the cell membranes of neurons turn out to be particularly vulnerable to a protein that collects in the brain of people with Alzheimer's disease, ...
Thinner Neuronal Membranes Provide Amyloid-beta Access PointsReliaWire
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Online News
03-26-2017 11:10 PM
The amyloid protein alpha-synuclein has been visualised in the cell for the first time - Medical Xpress
The amyloid protein alpha-synuclein has been visualised in the cell for the first time - Medical Xpress
Medical Xpress
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The amyloid protein alpha-synuclein has been visualised in the cell for the first time
Medical Xpress
This was made possible by a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR), two procedures that make it possible to characterise the...
Online News
01-26-2016 03:40 PM
Structure of Alzheimer's protein could explain why it's toxic - RedOrbit
Structure of Alzheimer's protein could explain why it's toxic - RedOrbit
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Structure of Alzheimer's protein could explain why it's toxic
Furthermore, as they report in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, there is an amino acid on the protein that forms a bond between positive and negative-charged parts of a molecule known as a salt bridge. This structure is ...
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Online News
05-14-2015 04:52 AM
How pairs of proteins collaborate to splice RNAs into cell-specific products - Medical Xpress
How pairs of proteins collaborate to splice RNAs into cell-specific products - Medical Xpress
Medical Xpress
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How pairs of proteins collaborate to splice RNAs into cell-specific products
Medical Xpress
Detailed structural analysis using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques revealed that ASD-1 RRM binding initiates a rearrangement in the RNA that favors SUP-12 RRM binding, resulting in a distinctive complex in...
Online News
10-17-2014 04:48 PM
Protein's structural shift offers clues to tumor suppression and other key ... - Medical Xpress
Protein's structural shift offers clues to tumor suppression and other key ... - Medical Xpress
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Protein's structural shift offers clues to tumor suppression and other key ...
Medical Xpress
Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other techniques, researchers identified a regulatory mechanism that prompted the NPM1 segment to partially or completely unfold into a single disordered strand of amino acids. The researchers believe that the ...
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Online News
07-04-2014 08:28 PM
The antioxidant role of proteins containing selenium - Medical Xpress
Medical Xpress
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The antioxidant role of proteins containing selenium
Medical Xpress
Rozovsky and her team used mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study selenium in redox biology, which the journal called a new approach that deepens scientific understanding of the chemical properties involved. Rozovsky ...
The antioxidant role of proteins containing selenium - Medical Xpress
Online News
04-28-2014 10:34 PM
Researchers identify new protein markers that may improve understanding of ... - Medical Xpress
Researchers identify new protein markers that may improve understanding of ... - Medical Xpress
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Researchers identify new protein markers that may improve understanding of ...
Medical Xpress
Testing for GlycA and GlycB by NMR spectroscopy uses signals that arise from the binding of glucose molecules to a variety of circulating inflammatory proteins, especially fibrinogen, α1-antichymotrypsin, haptoglobin-1, α1-antitrypsin, complement C3 ...
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