[NMR paper] In situ NMR reveals a pH sensor motif in an outer membrane protein that drives bacterial vesicle production
In situ NMR reveals a pH sensor motif in an outer membrane protein that drives bacterial vesicle production
The outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) produced by diderm bacteria have important roles in cell envelope homeostasis, secretion, interbacterial communication, and pathogenesis. The facultative intracellular pathogen Salmonella enterica Typhimurium (STm) activates OMV biogenesis inside the acidic vacuoles of host cells by upregulating the expression of the outer membrane (OM) protein PagC, one of the most robustly activated genes in a host environment. Here, we used solid-state nuclear...
Journal club
02-03-2025 06:10 PM
[NMR paper] 2'-(19)F labelling of ribose in RNAs: a tool to analyse RNA/protein interactions by NMR in physiological conditions
2'-(19)F labelling of ribose in RNAs: a tool to analyse RNA/protein interactions by NMR in physiological conditions
Protein-RNA interactions are central to numerous cellular processes. In this work, we present an easy and straightforward NMR-based approach to determine the RNA binding site of RNA binding proteins and to evaluate the binding of pairs of proteins to a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) under physiological conditions, in this case in nuclear extracts. By incorporation of a ^(19)F atom on the ribose of different nucleotides along the ssRNA sequence, we show that, upon addition of an...
Journal club
02-29-2024 10:00 PM
[NMR paper] A high-field cellular DNP-supported solid-state NMR approach to study proteins with sub-cellular specificity
A high-field cellular DNP-supported solid-state NMR approach to study proteins with sub-cellular specificity
Studying the structural aspects of proteins within sub-cellular compartments is of growing interest. Dynamic nuclear polarization supported solid-state NMR (DNP-ssNMR) is uniquely suited to provide such information, but critically lacks the desired sensitivity and resolution. Here we utilize SNAPol-1, a novel biradical, to conduct DNP-ssNMR at high-magnetic fields (800 MHz/527 GHz) inside HeLa cells and isolated cell nuclei electroporated with labeled ubiquitin. We report that...
Journal club
09-22-2023 10:23 PM
[NMR paper] 129Xe NMR-Protein Sensor Reveals Cellular Ribose Concentration.
129Xe NMR-Protein Sensor Reveals Cellular Ribose Concentration.
http://www.bionmr.com//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--pubs.acs.org-images-pubmed-acspubs.jpg Related Articles 129Xe NMR-Protein Sensor Reveals Cellular Ribose Concentration.
Anal Chem. 2020 Sep 08;:
Authors: Zemerov SD, Roose BW, Farenhem KL, Zhao Z, Stringer MA, Goldman A, Speicher DW, Dmochowski IJ
Dysregulation of cellular ribose uptake can be indicative of metabolic abnormalities or tumorigenesis. However, analytical methods are...
Journal club
09-13-2020 09:18 AM
[NMR paper] Targeting the Lowest Concentration of a Toxin that Induces a Detectable Metabolic Response in living Organisms: Time Resolved In vivo 2D NMR During a Concentration Ramp.
Targeting the Lowest Concentration of a Toxin that Induces a Detectable Metabolic Response in living Organisms: Time Resolved In vivo 2D NMR During a Concentration Ramp.
Related Articles Targeting the Lowest Concentration of a Toxin that Induces a Detectable Metabolic Response in living Organisms: Time Resolved In vivo 2D NMR During a Concentration Ramp.
Anal Chem. 2020 Jun 18;:
Authors: Lane D, Bermel W, Ning P, Jeong TY, Martin R, Soong R, Wu B, Tabatabaei-Anaraki M, Heumann H, Gundy M, Boenisch H, Adamo A, Arhonditsis GB, Simpson AJ
Journal club
06-20-2020 03:40 PM
Sensitivity-enhanced NMR reveals alterations in protein structure by cellular milieus
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Sensitivity-enhanced NMR reveals alterations in protein structure by cellular milieus
Frederick, K.K., et al., Sensitivity-enhanced NMR reveals alterations in protein structure by cellular milieus. Cell, 2015. 163(3): p. 620-8.
News from NMR blogs
02-23-2016 12:44 AM
[NMR paper] Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus.
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus.
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus.
Cell. 2015 Oct 7;
Authors: Frederick KK, Michaelis VK, Corzilius B, Ong TC, Jacavone AC, Griffin RG, Lindquist S
Biological processes occur in complex environments containing a myriad of potential interactors. Unfortunately, limitations on the sensitivity of biophysical techniques normally restrict structural investigations to purified systems, at...
Journal club
10-13-2015 06:03 PM
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus
Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Reveals Alterations in Protein Structure by Cellular Milieus
Publication date: Available online 8 October 2015
Author(s): Kendra*K. Frederick, Vladimir*K. Michaelis, Björn Corzilius, Ta-Chung Ong, Angela*C. Jacavone, Robert*G. Griffin, Susan Lindquist</br>
Biological processes occur in complex environments containing a myriad of potential interactors. Unfortunately, limitations on the sensitivity of biophysical techniques normally restrict structural investigations to purified systems, at concentrations that are...