MathNMR: Mathematica package for spin and spatial tensor manipulations
MathNMR: Mathematica package for spin and spatial tensor manipulations
Spin and spatial tensor manipulations are frequently required to describe and the theory of NMR experiments. This is a Mathematica package, which provides some of the most common functions for these calculations. Examples are the calculation of matrix representations of operators, commutators, projections, rotations, Redfield matrix elements, matrix decomposition into basis operators, change of basis, coherence filtering, and the manipulation of...
NMR software
08-08-2007 04:54 PM
Analysis of NMR relaxation with MATHEMATICA
Dr. Leo Spyracopoulos offers a download of the following Mathematica notebooks for analysis of NMR relaxation data from his website.Inertia Tensor: This notebook will read a pdb file and calculate the components of the inertia tensor. A trace through the Calpha atoms of the protein is shown, along with the principal components of the inertia tensor; this trace can be rotated in real time.
Schurr Analysis: This noteboook will read backbone amide 15N-T1,-T2, and NOE data collected at a single magnetic field strength and calculate S2, a local overall correlation time, and an internal...