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10-01-2003, 05:34 PM
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Answered: are there any softwares in chemistry by which i can simulate a NMR spectrum by giving a structure?
are there any softwares in chemistry by which i can simulate a NMR spectrum by giving a structure?
Best Answer - Posted by Dr Oz
There are a couple of good spectra simulators.Cambridgesoft produces a whole chemistry program suite, and part of that suite is the prediction of 1-H and 13-C NMR spectra.ACD Labs has a fairly comprehensive NMR prediction software.I have used both and they are both pretty straightforward to use. I personally prefer CSoft answer since the structures are easier to draw.Oz
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10-01-2003, 05:34 PM
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are there any softwares in chemistry by which i can simulate a NMR spectrum by giving a structure?
There are a couple of good spectra simulators.Cambridgesoft produces a whole chemistry program suite, and part of that suite is the prediction of 1-H and 13-C NMR spectra.ACD Labs has a fairly comprehensive NMR prediction software.I have used both and they are both pretty straightforward to use. I personally prefer CSoft answer since the structures are easier to draw.Oz
Content provided by Yahoo Answers.
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