Answered: Decoupling, what modultaion frequency to use ?
Hi all,
Perhaps a stupid question, but so far no one answered this one to me.
I want to find out what decoupler modulation frequency (dmf in Varian syntax) is needed to properly decouple observed couplings. Can anyone tell me ? I am looking for a practical answer.
I found a paper on decoupling, i.e. Shaka, A.J., Keeler, J. (1987): Progr. NMR Spectroscopy, 19, 47-129. Although this paper is formally correct, it is also very hard to read.
So let's make a practical example:
On an 800MHz machine, the carrier is on water (4.5 ppm), and there are imino protons resonating at 12-14 ppm. (JNH = ~40 Hz)
I want to observe nicely decoupled signals for these imino protons.
What decoupler modulation frequency is required to properly decouple these protons ?
P.S. I realize (of course) that the pulse-power has to be adjusted as we decouple.
(If requires, assume a hard 90-degrees pulse takes 8 us at 60dB)
A supplementary coil forH decoupling with commercial HCN MAS probes
A supplementary coil forH decoupling with commercial HCN MAS probes
Publication year: 2011
Source: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Available online 20 October 2011</br>
Matthias*Huber, Oliver*With, Paul*Schanda, René*Verel, Matthias*Ernst, ...</br>
Partial deuteration is a powerful tool to increase coherence life times and spectral resolution in proton solid-state NMR. The J coupling to deuterium needs, however, to be decoupled to maintain the good resolution in the (usually indirect)C dimension(s). We present a simple and reversible way to expand a commercial 1.3mm HCN MAS probe with...
Journal club
10-22-2011 10:16 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] adiabatic decoupling
adiabatic decoupling
Hi NMRwikiers, for measuring scalar couplings we use some HSQC pulse sequences modified for obtaining the coupling in F1-dimension as a splitting of doublets for CH2 groups. As high resolution is needed we use high folding in the acqusition, but as a result we obtain a lot of coupling artifacts in phenyl signals. We think that the use of adiabatic decoupling schemes should give a reasonably good spectrum of phenyls but I have no experience in adiabatic decoupling. Anyone can give me a hand for Bruker spectrometers?
Check if somebody has answered this question on...
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05-24-2011 10:02 PM
Straightforward, effective calibration of SPINAL-64 decoupling results in the enhancement of sensitivity and resolution of biomolecular solid-state NMR.
Straightforward, effective calibration of SPINAL-64 decoupling results in the enhancement of sensitivity and resolution of biomolecular solid-state NMR.
Straightforward, effective calibration of SPINAL-64 decoupling results in the enhancement of sensitivity and resolution of biomolecular solid-state NMR.
J Magn Reson. 2010 Dec 31;
Authors: Comellas G, Lopez JJ, Nieuwkoop AJ, Lemkau LR, Rienstra CM
We describe a simple yet highly effective optimization strategy for SPINAL-64 (1)H decoupling conditions for magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR. With...
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Straightforward, effective calibration of SPINAL-64 decoupling results in the enhancement of sensitivity and resolution of biomolecular solid-state NMR
Straightforward, effective calibration of SPINAL-64 decoupling results in the enhancement of sensitivity and resolution of biomolecular solid-state NMR
Publication year: 2010
Source: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 31 December 2010</br>
Gemma, Comellas , Jakob J., Lopez , Andrew J., Nieuwkoop , Luisel R., Lemkau , Chad M., Rienstra</br>
We describe a simple yet highly effective optimization strategy for SPINAL-64 1H decoupling conditions for magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR. With adjustment of the phase angles in a coupled manner,...
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01-01-2011 08:57 AM
[NMR paper] Removal of zero-quantum coherence in protein NMR spectra using SESAM decoupling and s
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J Magn Reson B. 1996 Feb;110(2):219-24
Authors: Weigelt J, Hammarstroem A, Bermel W, Otting G
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[U. of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog] Deuterium Decoupling
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Bruker NMR spectrometers equipped with a 2H TX board and 2H amplifier can be setup to carry out 2H observation and decoupling experiments while still maintaining a 2H lock. Two channel systems can use the 2H transmitter for 2H, 1H, 2H and X measurements. In addition to these, a three channel system can be set up for X measurements. The first figure below shows the 13C and 13C spectra collected for a mixture of deuterated solvents using two channels of an AVANCE spectrometer. The second figure shows the 13C, 13C, 13C and 13C spectra for the standard 13C sensitivity...
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08-21-2010 08:15 PM
2H decoupling in gNhsqc
hi, I had an insteresting problem with 2H decoupling on the Varian 600 machine for the gNhsqc experiment. I am doing locking and shimming without 2H decoupling. once you set dn3='H2' and submit the experiment, the lock level with drop to around half. and for the similar ghnca_P expriment, there is no such problem. the lock always stays the same level no matter decoupling on or off. Could anyone give me some suggestion? thanks.
NMR Questions and Answers
10-05-2008 08:07 AM
why radio frequency
Dear sir,
Why we are using radio frequency excluding other electro magnetic radiation.