[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] hsqc referencing
hsqc referencing
Hi!I need to know how to reference nitrogen 15 from proton in a foldel hsqc experiment...I don't know how to calculate the new 'lowest frequency' from the parameters I have in the processed spectrum...could someone help me?thanks!!
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News from other NMR forums
10-24-2013 08:45 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] HSQC perturbation
HSQC perturbation
Dear All,
I am trying to determine the interaction between 2 proteins. Is there any reference or literature which report the determination of binding constant between 2 proteins in which intensity drop of HSQC cross peaks can be used as the measuring parameter. As when I titrate these 2 proteins only change which I observe is intensity drop. I tried other biophysical techniques to determine binding constant, but results are not satisfactory.
Any suggestion would be useful
News from other NMR forums
09-24-2013 02:18 AM
1H-15N HSQC, edited by a 1H inversion recovery and observed in the antiphase component (IR-HSQC-AP)
Could someone explain the experimental theory/basis behind 1H-15N inversion recovery filtered HSQC experiment observed in antiphase (IR-HSQC-AP)? I am still learning basic NMR theory, but would like to know about this particular experiment, which was used to detect paramagnetically broadened backbone resonances. Thanks.
Biogenesis of iron–sulfur cluster proteins is a highly regulated process that requires complex protein machineries. In the cytosolic iron–sulfur protein assembly machinery, two human key proteins—NADPH-dependent diflavin oxidoreductase 1 (Ndor1) and...
NMR Questions and Answers
09-23-2013 06:01 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Linear prediction in NOESY-HSQC
Linear prediction in NOESY-HSQC
Hello everyone, I have a conceptual question regarding processing of NOESY-HSQC spectra for the determination of distance restraints. How appropriate is it,
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-31-2012 03:59 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] peak missing in nh hsqc protein nmr
peak missing in nh hsqc protein nmr
Dear NMR wikiers
iam assigning 95 aminoacid residue protein . i can see 76 cross peaks in hsqc on 700 vnmr cryob . still some peaks are missing . i tried at modified ph conditions , buffer ionic strength and d2o percentage ( 5 to 10 percent ).but no significant improvement
is their any experment to get best number of cross peaks in hsqc ?
News from other NMR forums
06-28-2011 04:40 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Best pulse sequence for HSQC in Guanidine-HCl
Best pulse sequence for HSQC in Guanidine-HCl
I would like to acquire a series of HSQC spectra of an 15N-labeled 12 kDa protein unfolding (over the course of hours) in 3M GuaHCl. I have access to a Varian 600 spectrometer with a conventional probe. Due to the high ionic strength of the sample, tuning and shimming is a little difficult. However, I can record a sort-of-decent HSQC using a WaterGate gradient enhanced WGgNhsqc sequence. I am limited to using a protein concentration of about 250 uM. I've determined the pw90 to be 12.125 at a tpwr of 63.
Using WGgNhsqc, the protein...
News from other NMR forums
10-23-2010 07:42 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Examples of protein degradation eg HSQC?
Examples of protein degradation eg HSQC?
Anyone know any websites or papers that show protein degradation in an HSQC for example? I wanted to know what to look for in old samples when I have them. Either that, or could someone put one up on the wiki for me to look at?
Check if somebody has answered this question on NMRWiki QA forum
News from other NMR forums
08-22-2010 02:30 AM
[U. of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog] Hsqc - tocsy
There are many different NMR techniques used to probe molecular structure. Two very useful methods are the HSQC (or HMQC) sequence used to obtain heteronuclear coupling correlations and the TOCSY sequence used to look at extended homonuclear coupling correlations. These are among the most widely used pulse sequences by chemists to help elucidate the molecular structure of organic molecules. The sequences can also be combined into a single HSQC-TOCSY sequence which is simply an HSQC followed by a TOCSY spin lock. For the case of 1H and 13C in organic molecules, the HSQC-TOCSY...