[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] what is best pulse sequence for c13 edit noesy on vnmrj ?
what is best pulse sequence for c13 edit noesy on vnmrj ?
What is best pulse sequence in bio pack on vnmrj for C-13 edit NOESY ? I am working with 12 kd size protein which can exist as homo dimers ( i.e total size of homo-dimer is 24 kd ). Most frequent problems we are encountering as follows !line broadening , baseline , phase correction problems ( huge signal at 2.8 ppm )in first increments and f2f3 planes huge strips errors !
Thanking you in advance !
News from other NMR forums
01-10-2012 03:38 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Problem while genrating the constraints form N-15 edit AND C-13 EDIT NOESY files
Problem while genrating the constraints form N-15 edit AND C-13 EDIT NOESY files
I am encountering the problem while generating the constraints form N-15 edit AND C-13 EDIT NOESY files that very few constraints 200 out of 2400 peaks .Calibration is OK .chemical shift file is good agreement with secondary structure of know crystal structure .Completeness of assignment:Completeness of all atom assignment is 80.74 %.Completeness of proton atom assignment is 82.50 %.Completeness of heavy atom assignment is 74.56 %.Completeness of all atom assignment is 74.58 %.Completeness of proton atom...
News from other NMR forums
12-24-2011 12:27 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Auto peak picking of N15Edit NOESY and C13 Edit NOESY spectrum
Auto peak picking of N15Edit NOESY and C13 Edit NOESY spectrum
Dear friends,
I am in process of doing structure calculation of a dimeric protein. The problem I faced is regarding the assignment of N15Edit NOESY and C13 Edit NOESY spectrum.I have already processed the fid data and converted to sparky ucsf format. Is there options available in sparky for auto peak picking, integration and assignment of my NOESY spectrum? And second query is regarding the generation of input files for structure calculation. In our Lab we are using ARIA 2.1 software for structure calculation? Is there any...
News from other NMR forums
12-14-2011 07:14 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] c13 edit noesy phasing problem
c13 edit noesy phasing problem
Dear NMR Wiki'ers
I Have acquired c13-edit noesy experiment on 700vnmr for my target protein (20kd) with mixing time of 120ms , I tried my best to correct the phasing, still it seems to be negative contours ,Peak broadening and noise is more after processing .How to overcome this problem ?
Fig-1 1D projections fig-2 f1f3 projection in process in t1fig-3 f1f3 projection in process in t1 after transformation (1026-512-256)
<img width=50% src="http://qa.nmrwiki.org/upfiles/13204074491921939.png" /img>
News from other NMR forums
11-04-2011 04:53 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Auto assignment of N15 C13 EDIT noesy experments
Auto assignment of N15 C13 EDIT noesy experments
Dear NMR wikiers
could you please suggest any auto assignment web servers online to assign N-15 & C13- EDIT NOESY experiments data?
Thanking you
News from other NMR forums
09-29-2011 07:27 AM
[NMR images] Basic arrangement of an NMR
4/02/2011 7:13:48 PM GMT
Basic arrangement of an NMR