More tricks using an 11-Tesla superconducting NMR electromagnet. These are used for chemistry research; for determining the detailed shape of unknown molecules using "two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance."
From: wbeaty
Views: 76053
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Is it safe to do levitation demo with superconducting NMR magnets?
Is it safe to do levitation demo with superconducting NMR magnets?
We do this trick with our 800 MHz Oxford Instruments-built magnet often to impress some folks:
Remove the probe and plug bore of the magnet with a rubber cork. Take a donut-shaped disk made of aluminum, put it right under the magnet an let it hang there and slowly fall to the ground.
My question is - can field induced by moving an external conducting object like that disk affect the superconductor and cause a quench?
NMR Oxford Superconducting magnet QUENCH at Reading University
NMR Oxford Superconducting magnet QUENCH at Reading University
NMR Oxford Superconducting magnet QUENCH at Reading University
400MHz Oxford superconducting magnet Quenched by opening the vacuum valve to a little helium gas. It filled the ceiling with helium gas boil off from probably about 40 Litres of liquid helium.
From: sbscottmonkey
Views: 4580