I'm trying to write out a trajectory file that I can then visualise with pymol, vmd etc. I have no problem writing something, but the vmd dcdplugin won't read
TRAVIS - Trajectory Analyzer and Visualizer
TRAVIS - Trajectory Analyzer and Visualizer
TRAVIS is a free open-source tool for Analyzing and Visualizing Trajectories from Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations.
Molecular Dynamics programs
05-05-2012 12:14 AM
Microsecond Time-Scale Conformational Exchange in Proteins: Using Long Molecular Dynamics Trajectory To Simulate NMR Relaxation Dispersion Data
Microsecond Time-Scale Conformational Exchange in Proteins: Using Long Molecular Dynamics Trajectory To Simulate NMR Relaxation Dispersion Data
Yi Xue, Joshua M. Ward, Tairan Yuwen, Ivan S. Podkorytov and Nikolai R. Skrynnikov
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja206442c
Journal club
01-28-2012 05:27 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Cannot execute the spript to convert varian format to nmrpipe format
Cannot execute the spript to convert varian format to nmrpipe format
Dear nmrpipe group, I have a group of data with Varian format (fid) and want to convert them to NMRPipe format (test.fid) I was able to read all data in varian
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
09-29-2011 07:36 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: nmrDraw peak table format question
Re: nmrDraw peak table format question
Dear Dr Fitzkee, Thanks for your kind suggestion! I tried your script but it did not work on my redhat. I guess the ass.tab in the script is an nmrDraw format
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
06-04-2011 12:30 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: nmrDraw peak table format question
Re: nmrDraw peak table format question
Dear Dr Fitzkee, Thanks for your kind suggestion! I tried your script but it did not work on my redhat. I guess the ass.tab in the script is an nmrDraw format
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
06-04-2011 12:29 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: nmrDraw peak table format question
Re: nmrDraw peak table format question
Jia, Yes and no. I have written several scripts to do this over the years, and I can share some of the simpler versions that you may be interested in.
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
06-02-2011 12:00 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] nmrDraw peak table format question
nmrDraw peak table format question
Dear all, I am wondering if there is any possibility to convert Sparky peak list into nmrDraw peak table? I have realized that it is required for the nmrDraw
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
06-02-2011 12:00 PM
[NMRwiki tweet] nmrwiki: Do you know how to create #NMR fids in raw format - either @bruker , varian
nmrwiki: Do you know how to create #NMR fids in raw format - either @bruker , varian or jeol? http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question/150/
nmrwiki: Do you know how to create #NMR fids in raw format - either @bruker , varian or jeol? http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question/150/
Source: NMRWiki tweets