Question about how to make a 3D experiment in which one of the dimensions is a variable counter (vc) list. I'm using TopSpin 3.1.
I'm working on diffusion-relaxation correlation with a third, spectral dimension: first dimension is a gradient list (for diffusion measurements), second dimension a vc list (for CPMG train), third dimension the FID.
I expected this to be relatively simple. To create the acquisition loops for the first and second dimensions, I was using the mc statement with two clauses: F1QF for the gradient list (this is the way it is done in "diff" pulse programs), and F2QF for the vc list. Analogous to the statement for a delay increment, I used F2QF(ivc) for incrementing the vc list. This doesn't seem to work, because F*QF only seems to be able to work with delay increments, not list increments.
I like to use F*QF because it adjusts the loop timings automatically. Does anyone know if this is possible?
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