Hi,I'm interested in software for windows or linux that simulate the effect of pulses, delay AND gradients using the product operator formalism.Do you have suggestions?ThanksMarco
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[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Varian Biopack pulse sequences for intermolecular NOEs
Varian Biopack pulse sequences for intermolecular NOEs
Hi All, I'm trying to set up some experiments to determine intermolecular NOEs in a peptide:protein complex. At the moment from looking at the Biopack library, I have found 4 pulse sequences which will do this and each provide different information (gnoesyNhsqc_CN, gnoesyNhsqc_NN, gnoesyChsqc_CC and gnoesyChsqc_NC). Would people recommend using a combination of all four of these experiments to determine the intermolecular NOEs for use in structure calculations?
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News from other NMR forums
08-22-2010 02:30 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Bruker Avance pulse sequences - where to find if not in TopSpin?
Bruker Avance pulse sequences - where to find if not in TopSpin?
I used to use Varian Inova systems with BioPack all the time, and now I'm using a Bruker Avance-III system geared for Chemistry, not biology. It's driving me crazy that I can't find the pulse sequences I'm used to using! Right now, I'd like to use a NOESY with WET water suppression, and I can't find one in the default set that came with the software.
Where do I go for relatively simple pulse sequences for Avance systems? I see Bruker pulse sequences for advanced experiments on Ad Bax's site, at NMRFAM, and NMRWiki, but...
News from other NMR forums
08-22-2010 02:30 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] How do you port pulse sequences to different field strength?
How do you port pulse sequences to different field strength?
Hi, when you set up a pulse sequence at a different magnet field strength - starting with an existing set of parameters - what do you look at?
Does length of shaped pulses always need to be changed?
What pulse lenghts need to be adjusted?
When it is necessary to re-build RF waveforms - for what kinds of pulses?
News from other NMR forums
08-22-2010 02:30 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Are hardcoded values in bruker pulse sequences overridable?
Are hardcoded values in bruker pulse sequences overridable?
For example when there is a statement like this in the pulse program file
"d12=20u" can I change value of d12 from the command line?
News from other NMR forums
08-22-2010 02:30 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] 2D pulse sequences for NMR of protein/peptide complexes?
2D pulse sequences for NMR of protein/peptide complexes?
Hello, I am looking for some 15N/13C-filtered 2D NOESY and 2D TOCSY pulse sequences to run on a Varian 600. Does anyone have any ideas where I would get some tried and tested pulse sequence input files?
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News from other NMR forums
08-22-2010 02:30 AM
BMRB library of Bruker pulse sequences
The following Bruker pulse sequences can be found on BMRB website.
Shift correlation:
Three-dimensional TOCSY-HSQC 3D experiment
NOESY-HSQC 3D experiment
NMR pulse sequences
03-26-2005 06:18 AM
NMR pulse sequences of Danish Instrument Center
The following NMR pulse sequences for biological macromolecules are available on the website of the Danish Instrument Center as of 3/15/05: Coupling Constants in Proteins
- 2D S3CT for measurement of one bond coupling constants (J & RDC) - Varian, Bruker
TROSY experiments
- clean TROSY, 15N-1H correlation, gradient version, water flip back, optional t2 decoupling - Varian, Bruker
- constant-time S3CT TROSY, 13 C-1H correlation, gradient version - Varian, Bruker
- (H)CCH TROSY, 3D TROSY-type HCCH correlation with diagonal peak suppression - Varian
- TROSY-Type NOESY, 2D NOESY with...