Dear Melissa and all the rest of you Dear Pipers, As many of you know, there has been lots of traffic on this particular Mac subject ... to summarize: 1. If
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
I have used both Apple's X11 and XQuartz successfully in the past, but have noticed that for many drawing operations, XQuartz seems significantly faster. This
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-16-2011 08:22 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Hi all: I agree with Ben's observations and advice --- even at the risk of jeopardizing the "contrarian" label on the latter :) If there are some strongly
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-16-2011 08:22 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Hello Melissa, ... As Frank mentioned, updating NMRPipe is always a good first step. As for the OS, I'll give the contrarian advice and suggest you stick to
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-16-2011 08:22 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
I have used both Apple's X11 and XQuartz successfully in the past, but have noticed that for many drawing operations, XQuartz seems significantly faster. This
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-23-2011 03:27 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Hi all: I agree with Ben's observations and advice --- even at the risk of jeopardizing the "contrarian" label on the latter :) If there are some strongly
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-23-2011 03:27 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Hello Melissa, ... As Frank mentioned, updating NMRPipe is always a good first step. As for the OS, I'll give the contrarian advice and suggest you stick to
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-23-2011 03:27 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Re: MAC security updates ruin my life!
Good evening, Which version of X11 and MacOSX are you using? Xquartz or the default Apple X11 for example? I'd recommend updating as Frank recommended as
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-22-2011 03:01 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] MAC security updates ruin my life!
MAC security updates ruin my life!
Hi! I stupidly allowed my mac to run a security update and now my X11 crashed out. I usually just update my X11 and it works out - well my ccp4i program works