You could do this with the NMRPipe adjustable sine-bell window "SP", but NMRPipe has a related "window" function called JMOD, with parameters specifically for
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] inverse cosine tuned to 35 HNCACB
inverse cosine tuned to 35 HNCACB
Dear nmrPipe group, I'm trying process the CaCb dimension of an HNCACB and would like to multiplying the t1 time domain with an inverse cosine tuned to 35 Hz
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
10-05-2012 09:10 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: phase problem with trosy-hncacb
Re: phase problem with trosy-hncacb
It is best not use automated baseline correction before at least two dimensions have been transformed. Same with LP ... also, best not to use LP until all the
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-27-2011 10:40 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Fwd: phase problem with trosy-hncacb
Fwd: phase problem with trosy-hncacb
Dear All: I have this strange phase problem with trosy-hncacb collected on a bruker machine. the HC and HN projection looks good. However, Using the phase
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-27-2011 10:40 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] phase problem with trosy-hncacb
phase problem with trosy-hncacb
Dear All: I have this strange phase problem with trosy-hncacb collected on a bruker machine. the HC and HN projection looks good. However, Using the phase
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
03-15-2011 05:56 AM
[NMR paper] Inverse methods in two-dimensional NMR spectral analysis.
Inverse methods in two-dimensional NMR spectral analysis.
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J Magn Reson. 2003 May;162(1):141-57
Authors: van Beek JD, Meier BH, Schäfer H
Solid-state NMR is a valuable technique for the study of disordered materials. Analysis of such spectra usually involves solution of so-called ill-posed inverse problems. Here we present a strategy for the analysis of two-parameter two-dimensional NMR problems and test it on 2D DECODER and DOQSY experiments. Using Monte Carlo tests,...
Journal club
11-24-2010 09:01 PM
[NMR paper] Sequential HNCACB and CBCANH protein NMR pulse sequences.
Sequential HNCACB and CBCANH protein NMR pulse sequences.
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J Magn Reson. 2001 Aug;151(2):328-31
Authors: Meissner A, Sørensen OW
The pulse sequences HNCACB and CBCANH correlating side chain C(beta) resonances with amide resonances in the protein backbone do not distinguish between inter- and intraresidue correlations. The new pulse sequences sequential HNCACB and sequential CBCANH make this distinction by suppressing coherence transfer between 13C(alpha) and 15N via the...
Journal club
11-19-2010 08:44 PM
[NMR paper] Analysis of the backbone dynamics of interleukin-1 beta using two-dimensional inverse
Analysis of the backbone dynamics of interleukin-1 beta using two-dimensional inverse detected heteronuclear 15N-1H NMR spectroscopy.
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Biochemistry. 1990 Aug 14;29(32):7387-401
Authors: Clore GM, Driscoll PC, Wingfield PT, Gronenborn AM
The backbone dynamics of uniformly 15N-labeled interleukin-1 beta are investigated by using two-dimensional inverse detected heteronuclear 15N-1H NMR...