Many ways to do this, including zero-filling in the Z-Axis, shifting the "second half" in the Z-Axis, then adding the two results. Since the 3D data format
A procedure to validate and correct the 13C chemical shift calibration of RNA datasets
A procedure to validate and correct the 13C chemical shift calibration of RNA datasets
Abstract Chemical shifts reflect the structural environment of a certain nucleus and can be used to extract structural and dynamic information. Proper calibration is indispensable to extract such information from chemical shifts. Whereas a variety of procedures exist to verify the chemical shift calibration for proteins, no such procedure is available for RNAs to date. We present here a procedure to analyze and correct the calibration of 13C NMR data of RNAs. Our procedure uses five 13C chemical...
Journal club
01-21-2012 06:26 PM
Bruker and Berkeley Lab Combine NMR with SAXS for Analyzing Large Protein ... - Genetic Engineering News
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />
Bruker and Berkeley Lab Combine NMR with SAXS for Analyzing Large Protein ...
Genetic Engineering News
Bruker and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are collaborating to develop structural biology methods and tools that integrate small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) technology with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The aim is to generate a set of data ...
Bruker and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Collaborate on Novel ...MarketWatch (press release)
all 14 news articles »
Online News
11-11-2011 08:26 AM
Bruker and Berkeley Lab Combine NMR with SAXS for Analyzing Large Protein ... - Genetic Engineering News
Bruker and Berkeley Lab Combine NMR with SAXS for Analyzing Large Protein ... - Genetic Engineering News
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />
Bruker and Berkeley Lab Combine NMR with SAXS for Analyzing Large Protein ...
Genetic Engineering News
The aim is to generate a set of data analysis algorithms for determining the structures of larger, multi-domain proteins and protein complexes with DNA, RNA or other proteins. The organizations claim that combining the NMR-derived 3-dimensional atomic ...
Bruker and Lawrence...
Online News
11-10-2011 08:09 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to combine 3d varian datasets?
Re: How to combine 3d varian datasets?
Thanks Frank, The script below works beautifully- this was one of the emails that only got delivered recently, but as it turns out I had another unscheduled
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
06-21-2011 03:40 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to combine 3d varian datasets?
Re: How to combine 3d varian datasets?
Thanks! That is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Tara In the end I did manage to combine my datasets by a very clunky method. It appears that as
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
01-29-2011 05:31 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to combine 3d varian datasets?
Re: How to combine 3d varian datasets?
please find below a small C program that concatenates two parts of a Varian FID file to a single new one. Courtesy of Lewis Kay. The carriage returns in the
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
01-28-2011 04:52 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] How to combine 3d varian datasets?
How to combine 3d varian datasets?
Hello, I couldn't find a more recent suggestion that applies to my problem than this, but don't quite see how to go about combining the data. I have two 3D
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
01-21-2011 03:31 AM
[Stan NMR blog] Bye, bye, Varian
Bye, bye, Varian
Complete Varian takeover by Agilent Technologies announced on July 27, 2009