Hi Thuan, If a script isn't working the way you expect, you can simply execute it from the command-line of a terminal window to more easily see any messages.
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: Convert varian 2D MQMAS to nmrpipe
Re: Convert varian 2D MQMAS to nmrpipe
Hi Thuan, I don't know anything about this particular MAS experiment (or much about any other MAS experiment, really). But, if the spectrum is ordinary
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-01-2012 08:03 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Convert varian 2D MQMAS to nmrpipe
Convert varian 2D MQMAS to nmrpipe
Hello I'm a very new user of the nmrpipe software and looking for some help to convert varian 2D MQMAS fid into nmrpipe format. The experiment was recorded
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-01-2012 08:03 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hi Weixing ... Did the conversion produce an error message? Or did it simply result in a spectrum that didn't look as expected? If the conversion produced an
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-10-2012 02:44 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hello: A postdoc tried to convert Bruker TopSpin3.0 2D HSQC to nmrPipe for processing, but he could not convert the data.* Would you please tell me a correct
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-10-2012 02:44 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] How to convert VARIAN fid 3D data to bruker by using top spin ?
How to convert VARIAN fid 3D data to bruker by using top spin ?
Anyone is using topspin to convert varian fid to bruker format by using vconv command in topspin ?
I am not successful by using this command !
after processing it is not showing any data in the 3d-cube
News from other NMR forums
01-02-2012 10:36 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] How to convert varian fid to bruker or xeasy data ?
How to convert varian fid to bruker or xeasy data ?
I would like to use wenmr grid to assign side-chain of target protein by using the data ( C13 edit noesy and N15 edit noesy ) acquired on vnmrj 700 (cold prob) .
we server I.D as follows
But unfortunately the data we need submit on the web server is little different .
News from other NMR forums
12-30-2011 01:45 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: Cannot execute the spript to convert varian format to nmrpipe fo
Re: Cannot execute the spript to convert varian format to nmrpipe fo
Hello All, It's me again! Just want to tell that my problem is solved based on the linked below http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/nmrpipe/message/1476 There
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
09-29-2011 07:36 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Cannot execute the spript to convert varian format to nmrpipe format
Cannot execute the spript to convert varian format to nmrpipe format
Dear nmrpipe group, I have a group of data with Varian format (fid) and want to convert them to NMRPipe format (test.fid) I was able to read all data in varian