The current version of NMRPipe includes a macro "findShift.M" ... this macro will attempt to align signals in a selected region of an interferogram. After
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Compensate field drift
Compensate field drift
Dear all, Is there any way to compensate field drift by nmrpipe during processing 2D data? For solid-state nmr spectrometer typical lacks in field lock, and
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
09-18-2012 02:39 AM
Post Doc low field NMR
Post Doc low field NMR
Post-Doc Position at CEA-Saclay (Paris) in low-field NMR
A one-year post-doctoral position is available to join the group of Dr. Dimitris Sakellariou at the Laboratory of Structure and Dynamics by Magnetic Resonance at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission of Saclay in Paris. Our focus is primarily directed at developing low-field (0.5 to 2.5 Tesla) NMR spectroscopic applications. The project is funded by the CEA for one year.
The net salary will be approximately 2000 - 2500 Euros/month (depending on the experience of the candidate).
Job marketplace
01-18-2012 06:55 PM
[NMR photos] Inductance in an Magnetic Field
Inductance in an Magnetic Field
[Stan NMR blog] Field shims headaches
Field shims headaches
Answering a question about magnetic field shim systems on NMR spectrometers ..
Source: Stan blog library
News from NMR blogs
02-13-2011 08:54 PM
[NMR images] Field: NMR Spectroscopy in
1/11/2010 8:48:44 AM GMT
Field: NMR Spectroscopy in
NMR pictures
11-01-2010 09:23 AM
[Stan NMR blog] Field shims headaches
Field shims headaches
Answering a question about magnetic field shim systems on NMR spectrometers ...
Source: Stan blog library