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[NMR Sparky Yahoo group] 2d noesy peaks integartion error linefit faileld to converge
2d noesy peaks integartion error linefit faileld to converge
Hello sparky users , I am using 2D noesy spectrum (H,H) to do structure calculation , while doing peak integration it is showing errors as follows . Linefit
nmrlearner |
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02-07-2012 04:14 AM |
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Auto peak picking of N15Edit NOESY and C13 Edit NOESY spectrum
Auto peak picking of N15Edit NOESY and C13 Edit NOESY spectrum
Dear friends,
I am in process of doing structure calculation of a dimeric protein. The problem I faced is regarding the assignment of N15Edit NOESY and C13 Edit NOESY spectrum.I have already processed the fid data and converted to sparky ucsf format. Is there options available in sparky for auto peak picking, integration and assignment of my NOESY spectrum? And second query is regarding the generation of input files for structure calculation. In our Lab we are using ARIA 2.1 software for structure calculation? Is there any...
nmrlearner |
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12-14-2011 07:14 PM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: Error in script
Re: Error in script
Is it possible that your first fid terminated prematurely and is not the same size as you expected it to be? Were you able to process your data files
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05-27-2011 10:40 AM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Error in script
Error in script
This is the script I have used to process relaxation data in the past. However I am now getting an error. Can anyone help me figure out where the error in my
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05-16-2011 08:22 AM |
[NMRwiki tweet] nmrwiki: what is error 113 in @bruker #nmr software?
nmrwiki: what is error 113 in @bruker #nmr software?
nmrwiki: what is error 113 in @bruker #nmr software?
Source: NMRWiki tweets
nmrlearner |
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04-15-2011 01:40 AM |
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Error 113: lid is close
Error 113: lid is close
Was trying to lift sample in BMSB control suite... but the machine detected sample within and an error 113 popped out. Anyone knows how to solve this? Thanks in advance.
Check if somebody has answered this question on NMRWiki QA forum
nmrlearner |
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04-12-2011 01:10 PM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Error in script
Error in script
This is the script I have used to process relaxation data in the past. However I am now getting an error. Can anyone help me figure out where the error in my
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04-12-2011 01:07 AM |
[NMR paper] Suppression of diagonal peaks in TROSY-type 1H NMR NOESY spectra of 15N-labeled prote
Suppression of diagonal peaks in TROSY-type 1H NMR NOESY spectra of 15N-labeled proteins.
Related Articles Suppression of diagonal peaks in TROSY-type 1H NMR NOESY spectra of 15N-labeled proteins.
J Magn Reson. 1999 Oct;140(2):499-503
Authors: Meissner A, Sørensen OW
A novel method for suppression of diagonal peaks in the amide region of NOESY NMR spectra of 15N-labeled proteins is presented. The method is particularly useful for larger proteins at high magnetic fields where interference between dipolar and chemical shift anisotropy relaxation...
nmrlearner |
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11-18-2010 08:31 PM |