Hi All, Thanks for bringing this up, and sorry for any problems. As a work-around, I think "LP -before" will work better with root-fixing turned off using the
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: 13C-NOESYHSQC and Back-prediction
Re: 13C-NOESYHSQC and Back-prediction
Hello, I just wanted to comment that I have recently seen unusual artefacts being generated when using back prediction in a similar fashion. I have not yet had
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-02-2012 05:15 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] 13C-NOESYHSQC and Back-prediction
13C-NOESYHSQC and Back-prediction
Hi all, I have a 13C NOESYHSQC dataset acquired with no half-dwell delay (i.e. f1180=n on Varian) and am trying to back-predict the first two points in 13C to
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
03-31-2012 03:31 AM
[Ryan's blog] Back to Reality #1- LC/MS vs. NMR
Source: Ryan's blog
Back to Reality #1- LC/MS vs. NMR
Reality #1: LC/MS has become the primary analytical check for the medicinal chemist. I Love NMR, but it's the reality So how did we get here? Clearly there a lot of reasons, but one of my hypotheses is based on...
[NMR software blog] Routine Prediction
Routine Prediction
Not everybody remembers how easy it is and how effective it can be to add (or correct) a few points at the beginning of the FID. Two years ago I explained how Linear Prediction works and how we can extrapolate the FID in both directions. This time I will show a simple practical application.
I have observed that, in recent years, C-13 spectra acquired on Varian instruments require a much-larger-then-it-used-to-be phase correction. When I say correction, I mean first-order phase correction, because the zero-order correction is merely a different way of representing the...
News from NMR blogs
12-01-2010 08:36 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] back command in nmrpipe
back command in nmrpipe
Hi, Does anyone know what is the command for going back to previous step in nmrpipe means lets say I have a time domain data and I did ft of that then I did
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
11-22-2010 06:55 AM
[NMR analysis blog] Back in the blogosphere
Back in the blogosphere
After a 3 month-long hiatus, I'm back in the blogosphere. I’ve been travelling and working very hard on several exciting projects, but my entries have consequently suffered.
Although my workload has not decreased, I am not planning to travel for the next few weeks. Hopefully I will manage to blog on a more regular basis from now on, especially now that there are many things we have been working on lately that I hope will be of interest to the NMR community.
For now, I’d just like to point out a very interesting blog entry written by my friend Stan on his...