I have problem with shimming back NMR instrument to 1H after my 19F NMR experiment and when other students after me want to use it, they always have problem with shimming and it is hard to shim the instrument. I tried after tune it back to 1H shim it with D2O solvent or chloroform solvent but still people say they cant find the shim soon. Please let me know if you can help me to solve the problem!
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: 13C-NOESYHSQC and Back-prediction
Re: 13C-NOESYHSQC and Back-prediction
Hi All, Thanks for bringing this up, and sorry for any problems. As a work-around, I think "LP -before" will work better with root-fixing turned off using the
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-02-2012 06:24 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Problem with the gradient shimming
Problem with the gradient shimming
Dear Friends,
I've recently encountered a problem with gradient shimming that has never happened to me before. I can't clearly determine what caused it but it certainly didn't involve anybody manipulating with the probe. Here's the symptom: when running the gmapz experiment, the Z-profiles (before and after gradient) look like this:
As you can see the second profile (after the gradient) is distorted at the left edge (more or less severely, depending on a sample - here it's just a tiny "step")....
News from other NMR forums
10-11-2011 06:35 PM
[Ryan's blog] Back to Reality #1- LC/MS vs. NMR
Source: Ryan's blog
Back to Reality #1- LC/MS vs. NMR
Reality #1: LC/MS has become the primary analytical check for the medicinal chemist. I Love NMR, but it's the reality So how did we get here? Clearly there a lot of reasons, but one of my hypotheses is based on...
News from NMR blogs
06-10-2011 01:41 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A (1.shimming)
Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A (1.shimming)
when shimming with Fid scan, the fid/spectrum can't be displayed in real time.
Check if somebody has answered this question on NMRWiki QA forum
News from other NMR forums
02-27-2011 01:30 PM
[NMR analysis blog] Back in the blogosphere
Back in the blogosphere
After a 3 month-long hiatus, I'm back in the blogosphere. I’ve been travelling and working very hard on several exciting projects, but my entries have consequently suffered.
Although my workload has not decreased, I am not planning to travel for the next few weeks. Hopefully I will manage to blog on a more regular basis from now on, especially now that there are many things we have been working on lately that I hope will be of interest to the NMR community.
For now, I’d just like to point out a very interesting blog entry written by my friend Stan on his...
News from NMR blogs
08-21-2010 09:12 PM
Dose any one can estimate how are the results of shimming depend on the spectral character of the shim standard ? (for any NMR system)
For example using single peak vs 2 peak material such as water or xylene