Hi, I recently formatted my laptop, and reinstalled windows XP and sparky. However, when I started sparky, I could only see the outline of the main window with
[NMR Sparky Yahoo group] Re: no pulldown menu
Re: no pulldown menu
I encountered this problem once I put the sparky software in a folder which the full path contains some non-English characters. To: nmr_sparky@yahoogroups.com
News from other NMR forums
10-06-2010 02:23 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] vconv - cannot open menu with too many items
vconv - cannot open menu with too many items
Hi I was trying to open varian data on a bruker XWinNMR software - typed vconv command and there was an error that sounded similar to
"cannot open, too many items". How to fix this issue?
News from other NMR forums
08-22-2010 02:30 AM
[NMRwiki tweet] nmrwiki: how to fix vconv - cannot open menu with too many items in @bruker xwinnmr #
nmrwiki: how to fix vconv - cannot open menu with too many items in @bruker xwinnmr #nmr software? http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question/157/
nmrwiki: how to fix vconv - cannot open menu with too many items in @bruker xwinnmr #nmr software? http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question/157/
Source: NMRWiki tweets