[Nature network NMR forum] structure determination (0 replies)
structure determination (0 replies)
Hi every body,
I’m having a LOT of trouble determining this organic compound, and I have no idea how I am able to solve it by using the 5 types of spectroscopy. Mass, IR,UV, H NMR and elemental analysis.
Mass spectrum
News from other NMR forums
03-14-2011 05:44 PM
[Nature network NMR forum] Need some C13 labeled glucose...pls help? (0 replies)
Need some C13 labeled glucose...pls help? (0 replies)
Dear Friends,
I am a graduate student pursuing Phd. I do a lot of NMR experiments. But unfortunately my professor has ran out of grants and hence it’s difficult for us to buy certain materials for experiment. I would like to request if anybody of you can provide me C-13 labeled glucose (3 grams) for my experiment. I very badly need it to finish my experiment and get my degree. Please help me:(
News from other NMR forums
11-21-2010 06:47 AM
[Nature network NMR forum] HCCH-TOCSY (0 replies)
HCCH-TOCSY (0 replies)
Hello everybody,
I am a biologist who has jumped into NMR :(
I hope this is an active forum so that I can improve myself and can help someday to others.
I have a very stupid question!!! Do you know if I can see some HN peaks correlated with C-beta in HCCH-TOCSY?
News from other NMR forums
08-25-2010 02:58 AM
[Nature network NMR forum] ResearchGATE (3 replies)
ResearchGATE (3 replies)
ResearchGATE is a new internet resource for connecting scientists and helping to develop collaborations and share resources and data. They have even promised a biomolecular NMR group!
Visit and sign up here
News from other NMR forums
08-21-2010 03:29 PM
[Nature network NMR forum] NMR Wiki (0 replies)
NMR Wiki (0 replies)
I’ve just found this forum and decided to post a message about NMR Wiki (http://nmrwiki.org) – The Open NMR Project.
Users of NMR Wiki can:
*search and update the pulse sequence database
*create pulse sequence images from wiki text
*read and write about theory and practice of spectroscopy, your software and anything else relevant to Magnetic Resonance
*insert and cite bibliography in the style of real papers
News from other NMR forums
08-21-2010 03:29 PM
[Nature network NMR forum] NMR in plasma (6 replies)
NMR in plasma (6 replies)
In a previous post on this forum I mentioned that there were some neat methods for doing in-cell nmr.
I have been wondering since then whether any of you had tried just adding stable-isotope-labeled proteins to plasma. Would the results of such an experiment be interesting?
If you know of a paper that describes the results of this, would you please let me know – my PubMed searches have not been fruitful so far.