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03-18-2011, 06:43 AM
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NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Greetings, Dear Pipers ... In an effort to help out with the Mac OS X situation, I joined a Mac X11 mailing list and posed a question. The initial response is
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[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Mac OS X, xterm/terminal and XView, one again ...
Mac OS X, xterm/terminal and XView, one again ...
Greetings, Pipers Most Dear ... (and Happy Father's Day to all, Fathers and Otherwise) ... Someone on the Mac OS X mailing list made the suggestion below
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06-19-2011 03:20 PM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: running legacy xview X11 applications via terminal app vs xterm
Re: running legacy xview X11 applications via terminal app vs xterm
Fellow Pipers, most dear ... First, many many thanks to all of you who are helping out with this puzzling Mac issue. Michelle Gill has been kind enough to do
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03-23-2011 07:35 AM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: running legacy xview X11 applications via terminal app vs xterm
Re: running legacy xview X11 applications via terminal app vs xterm
Hi Frank, To further confuse matters, on my iMac at home (running 10.6.6, with XQuartz 2.5.3) nmrDraw appears to work okay, even when launched from an xterm
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03-22-2011 07:32 PM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Hi Frank and everybody, I replied to Jeremey's reply to Frank's email on the X11-users list. A few notes on terminology and technology so we're all on the
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03-22-2011 07:30 AM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Greetings Frank and NMRPipers, Frank--I'm happy to help since I have emailed you privately about this issue and can reliably reproduce the crash you describe
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03-21-2011 07:27 PM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Strange. I've just tried this. If I open an xterm from the XQuartz dock menu, nmrDraw crashes with a bus error, however, if I start an xterm from a
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03-21-2011 07:27 PM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Yes, this is the exact behavior I get on both a MacBook Pro and a Mac Pro. There clearly is something different about the environments even though the XQuartz
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03-21-2011 07:27 PM |
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
Re: NMRPipe on Mac OS X xterm vs terminal, part II
6/02/2011 7:43:18 PM GMT
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03-18-2011 06:51 PM |
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